Originally posted by Greg
just a note for liz.
we have a couple of newbies in the team this leg
div 4 or 5 would be suitable
thanks kyle
Greg - you'll have to remind me which team you're in, can't remember everyone off hand especially seeing as we've had somewhere around 60 different teams playing the 4 legs so far & my brain tends to go to mush in the week running up to an M25 event.
DOA Zealots - your wish is my command, Div 1 it is if you want! I WAS intending to put you in Div 2 bearing in mind your result last time wasn't anywhere near as good as I expected, but I think that though you may not win many games against the Pros, you would give them a hard game

Can someone get hold of me (PM or mail, both are available) just to say which you prefer Div 1 or 2