I was the player in question and as far as I was told the only things you can't drop are safety equipment. Once dropped its dead until the moment you pick it back up, If its hit and you touch it then your out?and not only that i witnessed some rather odd calls to say the least....Like a player taking his pack off in the back corner and then doing a mugging run down snake to trade out then to go back to collect his pack ???
Also for what its worth I didn't go to pick my pack up as I was 1 for 1'd for playing when hit (which a previous martial said play on as was bunker rub), Either way you guys won the game fair and square we got a lucky point against you
Will be uploading my R7 footage when I get a chance.
Anyone know the full story behind the Argonauts 2 disqualification and any consequences for the next event? ?
Great weekend and congratulations to all of the GB team for attending !
Cheers, Pete