in my daughters case the ball that hit her was probably a bounce and did not leave a mark on her head and i would not have let them near the area if the netting had been poor or broken and letting the balls fly through.Originally posted by gaff
sorry potbitch and all others, i have just read the whole thread and there are some very inteligent suggestions and observations, but with regards to safety and children especially i can quite honestly say if my child was hit by a paintball whilst standing as a spectator through what should be (no excuses are acceptable what so ever here!!!) complete and unbroken SAFETY NETTING i would be everyones worst nightmare believe me! as all you parents out there will appreciate!!
sorry to sound aggresive but i feel an adult getting hit through netting is bad, but children! i would sue the ass off the organiser once they recovered!
i'm sorry but i personally don't think you can make any paintball event really safe for instance the netting at the start of the day may be perfect but how many people lean on, push against or pull the netting down so the they can see better well that puts stress on the netting and then makes hole's every event has problems and somebody always moans about some thing but at the end of the day if the series was that bad then nobody would go and if the netting was really that bad i would not have taken my children to any of the m25 event's