ok then lets get all tecnical
Lard (dontcha just love it) is fat, saturated
BAD fat animal fat to be precise usually found protecting vital organs (unless you are a serirly over weight back player were it's slowly suffacting them and all your ateries) if thats not enough to put you off try visiting your local slaughter house and take a look as they cut things open. Loads of lard there.
Ever one needs some fat in their diet it keeps you warm, it contains vital vitamins, margarine has added vitamines. oestrogen is also stored in fatty tissue hence the argument why fat girls have more fun
Carbs if not burned off during exersise or even sleep. Yes sleep requires calories. Thats not just the fantsy's of winning the world cup, having bonnie as your pot bitch (no offence if you are reading this) or any of the hotties in maxem. of getting hold of piccys of TJ latest marker
Get ready for it the bad news is they too turn to lard
Only really dull thing lettuce, cucmber, celery which take more calories to digest than you actually consume won't turn to lard
Can you really see a bunch of back players fighting over the last stick of celery as they are in training and don't want lard burger. Me thinks not.
Your body also needs protine even if it is toffo or mushroom based products.
end of lecture
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