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KING Pot Noodles !

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002
totally. the new bacon one rulez, but you cant taste the ketchup

(plus, ketchup is good for fertility apparently :D)


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May 6, 2003
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Originally posted by JoseDominguez
he he, if I was trying to be a smart arse I'd have pointed out that most harmful varients of E-coli are found only in the lower GI tract of large mammals and as no pot-noodle contains any form of meat derivative it's therefore guaranteed E-coli free.....:) but I'm not that pedantic. Hang on, I just was :)

E-Coli 0157 which is a mesophilic gram negative facultative anerobe has been found in several sources of food stuffs. I agree it is found in the gi tract of cattle and possibly sheep.However do you not agree that any form of bacteria can usually be transfered from one sourse to another by a carrier(i.e.insect,bird or human), to suggest one of these could not enter the factory would be foolish. 0157 is far more virulent and can with stand much higher tempreatures than a normal coliforms.If you disagree i suggest you read the pennington report on food hygene standards.What about employee sabotage it has been known,any person carries their own form of E-Coli how hard would it be for a disgruntled employee to infect a batch of the snack this a fact.
Not wishing to be perdantic Ooops i just was. End of argument !!


Pastor of Muppets
Aug 11, 2002
Better fertility, huh? Sounds like something cooked up by the marketing people over at the noodle factory to me...

Mesophilic gram negative facultative anerobes... those are the worst. Espescially served with ketchup.


New Member
Oct 17, 2003
As I employee for Unilever bestfoods I feel that I should apologise for the lack of spice sauce in the king pot noodle. How could we know that this oversight would result in so much pain and suffering to my brother paintballers.

I am so sorry please forgive me


New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by BIG BEN
Originally posted by JoseDominguez
he he, if I was trying to be a smart arse I'd have pointed out that most harmful varients of E-coli are found only in the lower GI tract of large mammals and as no pot-noodle contains any form of meat derivative it's therefore guaranteed E-coli free.....:) but I'm not that pedantic. Hang on, I just was :)

E-Coli 0157 which is a mesophilic gram negative facultative anerobe has been found in several sources of food stuffs. I agree it is found in the gi tract of cattle and possibly sheep.However do you not agree that any form of bacteria can usually be transfered from one sourse to another by a carrier(i.e.insect,bird or human), to suggest one of these could not enter the factory would be foolish. 0157 is far more virulent and can with stand much higher tempreatures than a normal coliforms.If you disagree i suggest you read the pennington report on food hygene standards.What about employee sabotage it has been known,any person carries their own form of E-Coli how hard would it be for a disgruntled employee to infect a batch of the snack this a fact.
Not wishing to be perdantic Ooops i just was. End of argument !!
yeah but you ruined it by spelling pedantic wrong :)

E-coli is everywhere mate......but the harmful ones are rare and pretty much isolated to the GI tract of cattle.......so, basically.... you are as likely to contract anthrax from pot noodle as E-coli. (Yes it could happen if someone infected with it took a crap on the production line).
But then again Pot noodles are packaged aseptically, so it'd be pretty unlikely. Check your info dude, it's not the fact that the bacteria are present, it's whether they are in sufficient numbers to cause an infection...... there's nothing in a pot-noodle to sustain E-coli as it's dehydrated (unless you made it then left it to cool.....then you'd be screwed).
There are lots of microbes that can grow to harmful levels in dried noodles, E-coli just aint one of them.
Anyway, I was just trying to be funny..........poking fun at myself "not being pedantic......oh I just was" no need to get all narky about it.
If you disagree I suggest you maybe work in a bacteriology lab, get a Biomed degree and then become a qualified teacher of biology to A-level. And I've read the Pennington report :)

Anyway, ketchup on noodles is deeply disturbing, it says a lot about our country.

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002
yeah but ketchup is awesome as you can have it with anything.

ever tried buttered toast with just ketchup? gorgeous i tell ya.


doing toad
2 Kings

Have you noticed how the noodles suddenly find the bottom of the pot when you add water:confused: thus making half the pot redundant, so ive taken to adding another kingsize pot to the first one it fills it up nicely:) and its bombay bad boy all the way:p

I havent read the pennington report!

Jose Dominguez for President:cool:


New Member
May 6, 2003
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Originally posted by JoseDominguez
yeah but you ruined it by spelling pedantic wrong :)

E-coli is everywhere mate......but the harmful ones are rare and pretty much isolated to the GI tract of cattle.......so, basically.... you are as likely to contract anthrax from pot noodle as E-coli. (Yes it could happen if someone infected with it took a crap on the production line).
But then again Pot noodles are packaged aseptically, so it'd be pretty unlikely. Check your info dude, it's not the fact that the bacteria are present, it's whether they are in sufficient numbers to cause an infection...... there's nothing in a pot-noodle to sustain E-coli as it's dehydrated (unless you made it then left it to cool.....then you'd be screwed).
There are lots of microbes that can grow to harmful levels in dried noodles, E-coli just aint one of them.
Anyway, I was just trying to be funny..........poking fun at myself "not being pedantic......oh I just was" no need to get all narky about it.

You started it you silly sod and to say i need to study where do think that lot came from. Enjoyed awakening long term memory though may we battle again soon.