Iain your concerns are well noted but we are the Quest B team with most players only playing one tourney each (last year was our first year). We played together once last year at Utoxetter and got spanked by a few teams. The only exception is myself who only played a couple of Masters events last year but that was my first year in tournament's, so I still class myself as being very novice. Hope this clears things up.
Blakey can you send me details of the event, rules, where to send money, deposits etc and anything that might be useful as this WILL be our first tourney this year and my first time as captain. Send stuff to: rob_evanson@hotmail.com
Blakey can you send me details of the event, rules, where to send money, deposits etc and anything that might be useful as this WILL be our first tourney this year and my first time as captain. Send stuff to: rob_evanson@hotmail.com