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Kids Today...


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
Exactley. Where else will they learn any? Teachers can't because the kids won't listen unless their parents have tought them the right mindframe. And somebody mentioned kids having kids, if the kids don't have any respect or responsibility, how are their children going to learn any?
I agree totally.

Little story - I was walking my dog last night in the park. Its a nice park, and lots of people were out with their dogs/kids etc.

So I see this kid - about 15/16, and he's racing his dirt-bike along the path (anything with a motor isn't allowed in the park) and little kids are having to jump out of the way. He comes past me and nearly takes out my dog, then he turns around and starts racing back.
I stop him, and tell him, nicely as I can, that he is going to to hurt someone and he can't race his bike around like that. "what if you hit one of those little kids?" I say... "and besides, you're not allowed in the park on that thing, so.."

So the kid says "ok, sorry" and I walk away. He speeds off, gets 30' away, and then yells back at me to 'suck a fxxxing dxck' and speeds off as fast as he can, scattering toddlers and their parents in the process, while giving me the finger.
Of course I gave chase, but what chance does a 410lb sister have to catch a kid on a 125?

Now, I am impressed that the kids on here are defending themselves, and that they feel slighted. I hope that they just try a little harder to 'do the right thing' once in a while and look out for the punks that will earn them a bad reputation. I believe they also need to acknowledge the problem and not just claim it isn't there, because they don't act this way themselves. This wholesale anti-authority attitude is relatively new with kids. I don't know if I blame the parents completely. I think there are 4 other factors.

TV - The kids on there are just as bad.
The government (for banning corporal punishment and ruining our youth with their PC bullshxt)
The individual - no matter what, when we get older, everyone has to take responsibility for their own actions. The sooner you start, the better.

Pmr Man

otherwise known as Bing!
Apr 24, 2008
satans layby- MILTON KEYNES
i think we are finding the problem with society, not just paintball. so maybe you guys moving the mountain to muhammed instead of vice versa? i dont know . your right that parents play an important role. perhaps, the parents need to be more informed e.g. the coach or mentor of the team has a little informal chat with the parents every now and again, just to catch up and gain a friendly relashionship, possibly giving the coach/ mentor a . parents need to be involved more, i know it can be a big effort but in for a penny in for a pound


Geo 2.1 | 2K5 Alias
Mar 27, 2009
Exmouth, Devon
To be fair though, i'm 13 and personally think this is just driving us away from 'balling. Just makes us think that you older dudes think we're worthless. Sadface.

But otherwise,
Paintball is the best ;)


Platinum Member
Jul 10, 2008
Thanks Unistu,
Interesting that you're so defensive. What exactly do you feel I am trying to blame kids for?.
not sure for certain im guessing its to to with the sponsoreship thing in paintballjetts' thread but the fact that you have aimed every single option to wards kids and not toward general people in the paintball community.

Make a case for this and maybe I'll believe you. Everything I've seen would tend to convince me this is not the case though..
well im not saying it is just adults again but you cant just wave your fingers at kids im not making a dig at any one here so please dont take it like i am but my point is evrything you have put for an option is directed straight at kids here which i find unfair really.

That list of names is about 20% of what it could be. The first generation of kids were the pioneers, and they gave themselves to the industry - in fact, they are the industry.
How are the new kids making the sport grow?
What gives you the confidence that kids will pick up the torch from the pioneers?
Do you have an example of this, or does 'give it time' just mean that you hope and expect for it to happen?.
money they bring to the sport would be the deciding factor to me (as this is really what makes the world go round in a sense.) and what gives me the confidence that kids will pick up the torch as this is how it has been since year blanc it is how it works a father runs a business gets his son to take it on after him business grows same as if an employee shows great enthusiasim to his job is good at it he developes on to manager and so on and so fourth.

My question is this: If you can always blame the parents and guardians, does that then absolve kids of all responsibility for their own actions/inactions? At what point does a kid have to shoulder responsibilities for himself?

You may see this as being an attack on kids, although I don't believe the questions asked are slanted that way at all, but what are you saying to defend yourself? That kids today don't know any better so its not their fault?.
and i am not souly putting the blame down to parents/gaurdians but we all know this is what the major problem is down to not being tought the social skills to get out there and be respectful and not winge.

im not saying that you are attcking kids as such but like said perviously all those options are pointed directly at kids so infact they are slanted that way.

If so, thats fine, just pick numbers 5 and 6, and give 'because otherwise its so unfair' for your reason. The options are totally there for you.
just so you no i am no kid, well maybe still at heart but im 22 and i was no angel myself when i was young but grew up just as much as everyone else has (with a good kicking of course:p)


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
To be fair though, i'm 13 and personally think this is just driving us away from 'balling. Just makes us think that you older dudes think we're worthless. Sadface.

But otherwise,
Paintball is the best ;)
When you say 'this', do you mean this thread? This thread is driving youngsters away from balling?



300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
not sure for certain im guessing its to to with the sponsoreship thing in paintballjetts' thread but the fact that you have aimed every single option to wards kids and not toward general people in the paintball community.)

The thread is titled 'Kids today'. Did you think it wouldn't be about kids?

well im not saying it is just adults again but you cant just wave your fingers at kids im not making a dig at any one here so please dont take it like i am but my point is evrything you have put for an option is directed straight at kids here which i find unfair really.)
Again, the topic is about Kids, therefore the content shouldn't be a huge surprise.

money they bring to the sport would be the deciding factor to me (as this is really what makes the world go round in a sense.) and what gives me the confidence that kids will pick up the torch as this is how it has been since year blanc it is how it works a father runs a business gets his son to take it on after him business grows same as if an employee shows great enthusiasim to his job is good at it he developes on to manager and so on and so fourth.)

aha - Money! Yes, now we are getting somewhere. So todays kids are spending well? Would that account for the 25-40% drop in the industries revenue?

and i am not souly putting the blame down to parents/gaurdians but we all know this is what the major problem is down to not being tought the social skills to get out there and be respectful and not winge.

im not saying that you are attcking kids as such but like said perviously all those options are pointed directly at kids so infact they are slanted that way.)

Yes, again, all the options are pointed at kids. My understanding is that anything else would be 'off topic'

just so you no i am no kid, well maybe still at heart but im 22 and i was no angel myself when i was young but grew up just as much as everyone else has (with a good kicking of course:p)
I'm not having a crack at anyone. I asked people to make their own choices. Rightious indignation doesn't work in a debate, and thats what I'm mainly seeing. That and denial.


Platinum Member
Jul 10, 2008
lol well i no it is about kids but my point is that it is not JUST the kids in the sport that is my point that i have been trying my best to state (not that its working well) but how can you just point it in the direction of kids why not generalise the title more and say 'PEOPLE IN PAINTBALL TODAY'. i just find it harsh the options that you have put up as already said.


Oct 12, 2008
North East, Sunderland
this is a stupid question realy.
you cant say kids today, as there will be some brats that are rewening it for everyone, and then there are some that will revolutionise the industry.

how about adults today?
one of my dads friends asked to borrow my gat so he can shoot his boss...


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
this is a stupid question realy.
you cant say kids today, as there will be some brats that are rewening it for everyone, and then there are some that will revolutionise the industry.

I can say 'Kids today' if I want to, unless there is some kind of forum rule I'm not aware of.

how about adults today?
How about them? Start your own thread about 'Adults today', ask the questions, and I'll definitely answer some for you.

one of my dads friends asked to borrow my gat so he can shoot his boss...
Thats called humour. If you had lent him your gun, I'm 100% certain he would not have shot his boss with it.


London Tigers & Team GB
Nov 15, 2008
missy Q is it wrong for a kid to do somthing they like? even if theyre attitude needs to be worked on.More and more children are starting to play paintball every week and its a thing that cannot be stopped.Maybe you are a a hyparcrit in saying our sport needs to grow,but children are a pain ? kids are the futre of the sport and there is nothing you can say or do to change that.The majority of kids in paintball try to make there own way in paintball,IMHO if you pay your own way it feels better to play,and for the kids that do get there way payed most DO NOT respect paintball.Also most kids that i have seen play paintball have not argued with refs it's the adults who think they are the dogs bXllox!:mad: