I agree totally.Exactley. Where else will they learn any? Teachers can't because the kids won't listen unless their parents have tought them the right mindframe. And somebody mentioned kids having kids, if the kids don't have any respect or responsibility, how are their children going to learn any?
Little story - I was walking my dog last night in the park. Its a nice park, and lots of people were out with their dogs/kids etc.
So I see this kid - about 15/16, and he's racing his dirt-bike along the path (anything with a motor isn't allowed in the park) and little kids are having to jump out of the way. He comes past me and nearly takes out my dog, then he turns around and starts racing back.
I stop him, and tell him, nicely as I can, that he is going to to hurt someone and he can't race his bike around like that. "what if you hit one of those little kids?" I say... "and besides, you're not allowed in the park on that thing, so.."
So the kid says "ok, sorry" and I walk away. He speeds off, gets 30' away, and then yells back at me to 'suck a fxxxing dxck' and speeds off as fast as he can, scattering toddlers and their parents in the process, while giving me the finger.
Of course I gave chase, but what chance does a 410lb sister have to catch a kid on a 125?
Now, I am impressed that the kids on here are defending themselves, and that they feel slighted. I hope that they just try a little harder to 'do the right thing' once in a while and look out for the punks that will earn them a bad reputation. I believe they also need to acknowledge the problem and not just claim it isn't there, because they don't act this way themselves. This wholesale anti-authority attitude is relatively new with kids. I don't know if I blame the parents completely. I think there are 4 other factors.
TV - The kids on there are just as bad.
The government (for banning corporal punishment and ruining our youth with their PC bullshxt)
The individual - no matter what, when we get older, everyone has to take responsibility for their own actions. The sooner you start, the better.