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Just had breakfast with Robo

Seems like the Nexus boys are aware they played well below their potential and have decided to go straight back out for NPPL Las Vegas to show what they're really made of...good luck to 'em.

Quote of tha tournament, however, goes to Laurent Hamet...'Oh no, Peetah - zey have done it better zan Toulouse. Now I must go home and make Toulouse even better so it's number one again.'

Sounds like Toulouse is gonna be mind blowing then, cos tha general word on Paintball street from players and industry alike is that this was tha finest Paintball event ever by some considerable distance.


Mother, is that you?
I know, I know, I'm always fkin miserable, but.... has any money been made in the running of the event? And, if Laurent is going to make his even better, then how much will he be losing?

Question is, where does it stop?

Is this ego-mania or marketshare? Cos you can't keep running at a loss just to piss your competitors off, and this bleedin long dollar is about six miles in length so far, I'm worried it's going to snap.


Pure Promotions will have lost big bucks on this event but it's a mediapack for the future - what's the betting that a title sponsor steps up for the entire series, or at the very least different sponsors for each leg.

The demographic HB attracted was ideal for no end of companies who views 100k as chump change when it comes to marketing.

As for Toulouse, as I understand it that event makes money and Laurent can improve it whilst staying in the black, so wouldn't worry.

Though I know you will.

Actually, been meaning to talk to you about the PGI leg of the NPPL. I though we should stage it in the Maldives...


Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2001
Griffin, GA, USA
Glad to see Nexus is going to make the trip back over. Watch out for my new 7 man creation, Demented. We will see you in Vegas and I hope we will play you guys.

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Originally posted by rancid
I know, I know, I'm always fkin miserable, but.... has any money been made in the running of the event? And, if Laurent is going to make his even better, then how much will he be losing?

Question is, where does it stop?

Is this ego-mania or marketshare? Cos you can't keep running at a loss just to piss your competitors off, and this bleedin long dollar is about six miles in length so far, I'm worried it's going to snap.
Read the mag next issue for the scoop, R. The truth is the whole thing is a risk but the Pure Promotions guys are doing it right and demonstrating that heady, hard-working promotion of PB is a viable possibility. The number of people exposed to pb over the weekend was amazing and, shock of all shocks, it was compelling watching for people who knew nothing about pb. I was stopped by a couple dozen people my own self wanting to know more and the grandstand on Sunday was full of people with little or no prior familiarity with PB.