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Just a question... What if it happened here?


VW's are the game
Ok weeks have gone by and I am sick of all the slander from the Brittish Press and Local interviews regaurding the bombing in Afg..

Now let me ask you this....

If the same scenerio would have occured in London would all these people who are basically jumping one the "Let's Bash USA" bandwagon still feel the same way? I know I would be more than happy to stand shoulder to shoulder with any of your Fine RAF to go kick some @$$ for you! So why knock us down when we were already down? :mad:

Justin Owen

American BadAss
Jul 10, 2001
Kenner, LA USA
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Is that happening???

I didn't realize the British Press was tearing at us. I've been most impressed with thier Prime Minister over the course of recent weeks...I think it's possible that Great Britain and the U.S. are closer now than we've been in a few hundred years.
Just thoughts...


VW's are the game
I give Tony Blair his props for a job well done keeping the countries together to fight Terrorism! It is hard being true RED WHITE AND BLUE thru and thru and have to witness the crap I see on BBC TV everyday! Maybe I should tape it and send it to NBC or ABC to air the slander I witness on a daily basis! :mad:


lurkin' in a dark place
Aug 7, 2001
Selby ...near York.
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OK Fella this sort of thing has been going on since the early 20th Century here in the Uk......sorry if this ai'nt politically correct but I lost a buddy in Northeren Ireland......who was just doing his job....he was a soldier....and violence and hatred are a way of life over there.

After all this is a war on terrorism........doe's this mean the USA is gonna stop funding the IRA???

This would stop various bombings that we have had to edure .....e.g Enniskillen....plenty of civilians killed there,take a look at the history buddy and realise we've been taking this crap from Americans for years!!

Get real.



lurkin' in a dark place
Aug 7, 2001
Selby ...near York.
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Sorry if I came across as a bit hostile but it's a bit hypocritical to me that's all.

There's several disputes and that's all I'll say.

Spain and the Basque seperatist's. the INLA the so called real IRA,the UVF to name but a few........

All of these disputes have claimed lives not as many as the Sept attacks.....beleive me .....I was appalled at them.

But if there is going to be a war on terror attack's it should encompass them all.

I stand firmly behind the British stance on this one .British special forces are already operating in Afghanistan...say's it all really..no-one should die because of a muppet in a mask/beard!!!....no matter what thei're cause!......try democracy is what i'd say.

Unfortunately the situation in Afghanistan is a little more complex......there's a huge refugee crisis....after 15 yr's of civil war the infastructure is ruined and the present government corrupt.

Same as most places that are 3rd world...look at the Congo for instance.

Try a little more sensitivity next time you post fella.



lurkin' in a dark place
Aug 7, 2001
Selby ...near York.
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BTW My father has 26 yrs in the RAF behind him,my grandpops had 15.

I have an uncle that was dropped at Arnhem and a whole host more to tell you..

The Battle of the Bulge,El-alamein,and the restoration of ppl's live's at various concentration camps liberated.....this ai'nt just a USA thing beleive me.


enough of this now I'm just a peace loving newbie......take it easy.
I really dont think theres any "USA" bashig going on its just the British press have always tried to be as neutral as possible, no matter what the situation.

All the press is doing is highlighting the fact that America is sticking its nose in where its not wanted, you have to admit that if it wasnt for all the oil over there america wouldnt give a sh*t about afghanistan. Remember it was the USA who helped put this fruit cake in power in the first place!
Some old guy on newsnight listed 20 countries that america had bombed in its short history, its easy for most people to say "why did they do this?" and in many cases they would have been quite right.

However, when terrorists start attacking civilians on such a large scale then its not about oil or the preservation of Democracy, its war and no matter how much pressure there is from the press, they aren't going to stop for a month to give aid to civilians or have peace talks or anything that will lenghthen the war and thats it.

And rooster, these terratorial disputes you speak about may not be nearly as bad as the tragic events of September the 11 but dont forget my city has been bombed by terrorists, funded in part by the USA so please dont get that upset when some british arent 100% sympathetic

Please dont go mad at me im not in any way anti USA, im just trying to show both sides of the arguement.


Walker (Nitro)

Who's Maria?
Jul 8, 2001
Give me a gun and a ticket to Afghanistan, the Taliban are not muslims........ they are barbarians.

if i sound insensitive....sue me.