You do not need to go out and spend lots of cash on paintball equipment to get involved with the tournament scene. If you have the cash to do so, then great - just make sure you try before you buy and seak good advice before spending all that cash.
If you don't have the cash, their are still options available. And to be honest, this is probably the sensible option as you get to try tournament paintball before you buy, so to speak.
The Proto Koth events loan out ALL the tournament gear you need to play an event FREE of charge. You can try out tournament paintball in a newcomers environment with a good level of competition without the more experienced guys competing and it will cost you about the smae as a normal punter day.
To find out more, check out
www.kothpaintball.co.uk or feel free to contact me with your questions.
We run events for a living and have a genuine desire to make introducing tournament paintball to new and young players a priority. Come along to a Koth event and use the latest Proto equpment at no extra charge. If you don't have your own team, let me know and I will hook you up.