Future or not...
... it's a cool idea. The first real attempt to change what many people bevlieve is an antiquated game format.
However, I also feel that it could lead to defensive games. Why do I say COULD as opposed to would, well only because we don't know what the coaches have in mind.
Look at it this way, in almost every sport there is a way for the team who has the lead at any given time to stall and try to protect a lead. U.S. football has the running game in the 4th quarter (keep it in the iddle of field slowly eating up the clock) - college basketball had it with the 4-corners offense (just ask the great North Carolina teams before the shot clock) - Soccer (the other football) has it with extremely boring back field ball play, why should paintball be any different?
Here are a couple scenarios I see happening: Team A wins the first game in 3 minutes with great aggressive play (here is the aggressive part) but for the remaining 7 minutes of the quarter (the quarters are 10 mnutes not 15 Nick - or that's what the web site says) they sit on their ass waiting for team B to come at them. Team B becomes a little hesitant because now they don't want to go down 2-0 so they take they time on a strongly dug in defensive team. OR we have the other scenario - my favourite - Team A & B are tied going into the last quarter, Team B shoots all of team A in 4 minutes BUT THEN DOES NOTHING for the remaining 5 1/2 minutes and then hangs the flag with 10 seconds to go in the quarter. Sounds real fun - real agressive - probably get them booed off the field - but it is within the rules.
It's a good idea that Richmond had in regards to making the scoring simpler - 1 point for a won game, what could be easier? - but if he wanted to promote agressive playing style, all he has to do is award points for how long it takes each team to hang the flag after the start whistle is blown.
Just some rambling Sunday night thoughts.
P.S. Brock - it is nice to see that you included Lars in your list