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Is World Cup headed for a trainwreck?


New Member
Apr 7, 2002
East yorkshire
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Didnt want to upset anyone only new remember the first thread i ever started that got the moderaters aving a go (just dont mention why British paintball isnt in the mag too much):confused: lets just say i got a right riping into dont want people peed off with me i may have sumat to sell though dunno what!!!!


UK Cougars
Jul 9, 2001
Originally posted by Buddha 3

What? :confused:

You were talking about the tourney in France, who's name you couldn't remember....That's what my response was aimed at.

PS the next person to mention those cookies will be banned. :D
Ha ha ok well it still wasn't Toulouse that I was thinking about, I was referencing Arena type paintball games as in the next step unless you believe the X-ball hype.
As for mentioning cookies, it was a statement of fact !! :D can't get banned for stating the truth? ;)

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Originally posted by Mark

Ha ha ok well it still wasn't Toulouse that I was thinking about, I was referencing Arena type paintball games as in the next step unless you believe the X-ball hype.
In that case, I don't know...

Originally posted by Mark

As for mentioning cookies, it was a statement of fact !! :D can't get banned for stating the truth? ;)
Watch me! :p
But sweetie if you had come and said Hello (well I didn't know you were visting my country till you had left) then I would have loved to show you our hospitallity and I meant the baked kind (not heres a pint love and a bag of chips and think I've pulled;))

Twise at two millieniums you aviodied Liz and my self I mean we could start to take this personally. We both said we were comming to amsterdam not hard to find when she's permantly in attendance at the smarts tent.

Even after hotpoint was suposidly guarding the stash of baked goodes there were quite a considerbale amount left.

So Please don't take it out on the messeger just come and say hi this time:)

Or has your wife banned you after seeing THAT vidio;)



Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!

How about getting this back on track ;)

200 teams in 2 days in Orlando that is renowned for running over time. It is gonna be interesting. The PSP have had some problems with there running orders, hopefully they will have it sorted or it is goning to run way over time. I hope too god it does run on time, I have a plane to catch on Monday 28th.

Guess we will have to wait and see. It is goning to be interesting!

And stop mentioning the Cookies!

Lol I didn't start it this time just explianing Buda keep mewing but if he's gona stand a girl up what shoud he expect?

No c***ies

This looks like fun not lets just hope it dosen't rain and no tournadoes!

A repete of mayhaem weather is just not whet the doctor ordere
Would 6 feilds be enough?

not having attended I really am not the best quialified person to comment on this one:confused:

Good luck to all going sparklie ;)


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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Going back to the field walking subject, I gather that different levels of players will be competing on different days. So it's no use citing the comment that Skyball had all it's fields set up well before the event, as many players won't be able to arrive until the day before they are due to compete, by which time a different group of players will be using the fields. People's holiday allowance is limited so they won't be able to afford the time off work to walk the fields before everything starts then hang around for a couple of days before playing themselves.

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Rumor has the Am 10-mans will be playing on three fields only which would allow for some 5-man overlap and if handled sensibly would also allow Ams to prep fields exceptin' of course those that are playing 5-man. Still not sure that helps rest of 10-man teams.
Note: Skyball games were 5 minutes. NPPL 5-man are 10 minutes (at least they are now--maybe in a week. . .?) Big difference.