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Is paintball too expensive?

I used to good.Honest

UKPSF #7126
Oct 20, 2013
You spent £15K on gear since last september :confused:
Can i ask on what gear o_O
two sets of i4's, a vforce,a couple of axes, a few autocockers, two halos, a rota, two prophecies, several empire playing pants, some dye pants, 11 automags, a phantom, a sterling, a bushmaster, an angel, a shocker, a couple of kit bags, some old cammo, a vanquish, a couple of bottles, and this weekend I will be getting a dye something or other and something from eclipse, I'm gonna limit it to less than £1k a month now on equipment.

Canon Fodder

Go to your brother, kill him with your gun.
Oct 28, 2008
two sets of i4's, a vforce,a couple of axes, a few autocockers, two halos, a rota, two prophecies, several empire playing pants, some dye pants, 11 automags, a phantom, a sterling, a bushmaster, an angel, a shocker, a couple of kit bags, some old cammo, a vanquish, a couple of bottles, and this weekend I will be getting a dye something or other and something from eclipse, I'm gonna limit it to less than £1k a month now on equipment.
Well done, you're limiting yourself to my wage after tax a month, it is easy to get carried away isn't it.
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Nov 27, 2006
I would @ tag 'honest' but that's far too much effort to type on an iphone

In fact this is the perfect example of paintball not being too expensive
Play to your pocket and budget accordingly

Can't afford to buy what you want? Don't then - buy less, or alternatives
Play less, take a break, prioritize your life

I can pretty much guess that paintball will still be there in 15 years time.
I don't act my age now, so in 2029 I will be the oldest baller out there being a miserable old git boring the kids about how paintball was for real men (and ladies) or telling my stories to random people on park benches & buses
... And I hate buses


Jan 26, 2004
First time i played paintball (as a rental) entry fee was £25.00 + 20 free paintballs and a spare 12gram.
Extra paint was 70p for a tube of 10 paintballs and 12gram sparkletts were 50p each.
That was in 1991 !!!!

My first tournament was in 1994 and i was charged £40 for a box of paint and only because the team catpain managed to get the paint through his paintball business cheaper.

So having to pay £45.00 for entry and a box of Heat paintballs at my local walk-on is a pretty good price compared to what i used to pay.


Crimson Baller
Jun 14, 2012
in my opinion, its yes and no.

lemme break it down.

Paintball, as both a rental and walkon, in my eyes is as expensive as you want it to be.
As a rental, many sites offer you a nice lil package which include, in many cases, a nice amount of paintballs for what id say is a fair price. for example, my local site there most expensive package is £55 which includes lunch, full gear rental and 1100 paintballs plus if 18+, a pyro. its aso £5 per 100 after that. In my opinion, on that bundle you have more than enough to last you the entire day, even if you get a bit trigger happy.
As a walkon, the cost comes down to what gear you decide to buy as well as when you play. if you really need the latest high end gear, which in my opinion is not necessary unless your in a top tournament team (on the basis i know a fair few guys who choose to live by 1 case = 1 kill and will happily ramp all day long at you :/), a simple setup can be as cheap as £300-400 or even cheaper. walkon days are usually what £35-50 which in most cases includes a box of paint, which id say is a fair price.

So ultimately, its a personal opinion.


New Member
Apr 1, 2014
You have no idea how much cheaper paintball is now. If you can't play airsoft it's a great deal. Markers we used to dream of that cost 2k are now 500. Also, the teamwork and self confidence I have learned is priceless. Some of my best memories come from the worst days of paintball. Like this one game I played in the snow. My marker maybe shot twice but it was worth the frozen everything to do it. Same with the first time you play. I could probably still draw the field. That sense of excitement and fear. Priceless.