Well what can I say, all in all a great set of events and a great finally to end the season.
From the very first one when some things we have come to expect at tournaments were lacking Chris (the Organiser) has striven to improve what is offered at every event and has succeeded fantastically.
The first time I ever saw Chris I was playing for the Manchester Lions at one of Bully's events and he was playing for his site team who were setting up next to us.
He told me of this idea he had of running a woodland event with guaranteed prize money of a thousand pounds per event, that will do I thought we will enter.
I expected to just go up there the once take some cash and not hear of the site again but I was wrong, he had some good support and was determined to complete the full series, and as I have said better and better each time.
This event was a low turnout but we all got started to try and get through our ten games each.
We had a weaker team this time as we had nobody spare to take the place of any of us who needed a rest (well at our age it is hard to play all day) and you have to remember we did have Colin on our team so we may have well played with four!! (sorry Colin

The weather played havoc with us most of the teams had problems with the paint but we just needed to go to the loo before every game!!!!
At the very end when the light had faded too much and ourselves not needing any points we decided not to play and in doing so gave Fusion Two the distinction of being the only team the entire series to take maximum points from the Lions!
Fusion one on the other hand played a great game on the barrel field in fading light and ended the game with the only live player on the field with the flag in his hand the first time one had been took from a Lions base in a very long time.
The time ran out before he could return it to his base and the score sheet recorded a body-count win, but in the true spirit of the game the truth is they became the first team to beat us in five years, So our congratulations to them and I look forward to many a battle next year.
With Chris being let down by a ref it left the three who turned up to do their best and they did a brilliant job and I could not fault any of their efforts at all, of course they missed stuff but their work ethic was spot on.
Some players unfortunately took advantage and played more in some of the games than they should have done, but you know what happens when players start to get that reputation, they just get shot again and again and again, ect ect, we don't want that do we.
Those Crazy Russians did not do so well this time but are coming on strong and I bet at the end of next season they will be up with trophy's.
Universal or whatever name they chose to play under next season will be a concern for most teams, not us
So to Chris the Organiser,
Well done from all the teams who played and from the Manchester Lions a promise we will be at every one next year.