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ion or autococker


Super Robeenio
Dec 4, 2002
Staying warm on a sunday!

i was a cocker lover for a LONG time!

had 4 of them!

went from a mech 2k2 cocker --> ebladed 2k2 --> race framed shocktech --> monkey love half block

and as much as i still love the way they fire... when it comes to the crunch they are an old design that is being kept alive by flogging it a bit more and having a new bit of gizmo out.

they are like frankensteins monster being held together with bits n pieces and brought to life by a zap of a 9v

i have since moved on and now shoot an ion

i will without doubt say its the best marker ive shot.... (sets up flame retardant sheilds)

the reason is not because it looks sexy, not because its so cheap..

its because i can pick it up out of my bag, turn it on and shoot people wth it and not give a crap about scratching it, denting it or damaging it in any way.

i have 2 upgrades on it....

check-it unimount
and a freak barrel

i have not had a problem with it since i first got it in november and 8 months on i have still not taken it apart internaly once it's never been serviced and nothing replaced

and it still has never skipped a beat

and as for keeping up with all the other guns

i play with it in div1 PA, play in the millenium series with it and the Uk masters

and ive never once felt outgunned!

hope that kinda helps you

if you need to know any more at all then be sure to ask and i'll do what i can to help



Well-Known Member
Skeet said:
In your hands maybe...I have had people moan about their triggers, how they cant walk them fast...they usually have them to short etc, hoping that that will increase teh rate of fire...it doenst, not on an eblade...10 minute fiddle and they have a new gun, that they can shoot fast and dont bounce...E1, E2...dont matter.
whats is an e1 capped at mate?


Platinum Member
Eyes off its capped at 11 bps or there abouts...eyes on it is uncapped, so will shoot as fast as you can feed it, or can shoot
...I have had 21 actual balls per second out of my old cocker, with a bit of bounce...
You can of course adjust settings so taht it is pretty much uncapped with eyes off


hell yeah
Jun 12, 2006
Honiton, Devon
ChiZZerS said:
ill have a tweaking sech tonight :D

bythe way, none of my allen keys fits the little screwes to adjust the trigger?

anyone know why that is?... do planet have teirown spechial key?

nor can i its the most annoying thing
but still i got my setup for £200 soo im happy