***tom*** said:
i wanted a reasonable debate not a bickering match between morons and people who hav no interest in the subject
still no1 wants to tuch the angel
Ok: all three.
I own an angel, I'm biased; I say go with the angal fo' sho', over the other two.
it's better quality than the ion
you don't need any upgrades except a feedneck BUT it already comes with a twist-lock feedneck anyways.
nothing to set up except maybe the trigger. No upgrade boards or eyes.
open the box, add bottom line, bottle, hopper, paint, shoots like a dream.
I like cockers 'cos they can rip when set up right, and are reliable, and I like how customiseable they are (halfblock, noblock, nexus kit, mq valve, Zero B,etc etc etc etc)
And Ions are cheap workhorses. They do what is says on the box, light and light on the wallet. But you have to upgrade them a lot before they're half decent.
I'd say Angel