I have to have my say on this, as it is really starting to get out of hand, and whilst we are all trying to get stuff sorted, if this goes on, it will all blow up in a small mushroom cloud. First of all, a nice post from Steve and/or Andrew would be great, detailing everything that is going on, all the costs involved etc etc. Second, i do not wish to detract from what portsmouth have done, as i have organised tourne's myself and know exactly how hard they can be (thats not sarcastic, its REALLY hard and takes a LONG time) but having two different events on similar dates is going to leave some pretty angry site owners, and no doubt 1 side out in the cold with a bad rep cos no one turned up to their tourne. I would say that it would be best if the two sides got their heads together and WORKED together on this. I cant help that there is an undertone that the inter uni league is "Brums league," it isn't, its our league, and if we all work together on it, we will get something which can have some respect, and then BUSA will like us and uni's will like us etc etc, cos at the moment, to an outsider who knows a lot about the sport, i cant help but feel we all seem like sqaubling teenagers.
Lets get everything sorted and have a good year we can all be proud of.