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Inter University Tourney.

Steve Hancock

Free man!
Aug 7, 2003
Birmingham (UK)
Hello people, Andy has been phoning round, working his way through the list of 20ish clubs that we have. What I've asked him to get everyone to do is get everyone to provide him with their clubs contact details and to register on the ukpsf uni forums. Thanks to him for doing that.

I'll be calling the people who i'd arranged with to hold each leg, to sort out invoices etc. Once again, sorry for a reduced level of availability and organisation on my part over the summer.


Free Agent..
Jul 16, 2006
Sorry to ask, as other people already have, but couldn't see a definate answer. Would I be able to get together a scratch team of secondary school kids to play this event? I know it says Uni's only but its worth a try we are just as hard up for cash ;)



University Barbarians
Dec 26, 2005
Unfortunately not. One of the aims of the inter-uni league is to get the sport BUSA (British Universities Sports Association) recognised, much as American Football was a couple of years back.

This would mean that the societies would be viable for AU (Athletic Union) membership, as opposed to just a Student union society membership. This in turn would mean that the university teams would get a lot more money and thus would be able to appear at more events, train more, get better club kit etc.

From the University Barbarians forum , with regard to the Barbarians entering a team into the league (I think this still applies here):

Steve Hancock said:
Hi Guys,

Regarding entering a team in the league (for those students who don't have clubs at their university). First of all I want to mention that it isn't my league, and it isn't up to me to dictate what happens. Ultimately all such decisions will be taken by a vote of the ukpsf affiliated clubs. However, I would strongly advise the clubs against allowing this, for a number of reasons:

1. Once we remove the requirement for teams to all be registered students then we open the doors to joint teams like a joint team from all the manchester universities. These sort of teams are exactly what prevent American football from getting BUSA recognition.

2. Having a different bunch of players at each event would be unfair for the teams that play them at different rounds. How would aberdeen feel if the round they were sheduled to play the scratch team, it was made up of all the millenium players, and then when Birmingham played them they were all newbies?

3. I also feel that having what are esentially scratch teams would detract from the credability of the league. The idea is that each team is representing a university. Imagine what a farse it would be if they win.

4. This would detract from the league as it would remove the incentive for people to start a club at their university - why bother when they play the league anyway.

5. How could we be certain that they would enter every round. It would bugger the schedule if they couldn't get enough players one round.

With the exception of points 2 and 5, I feel this would also apply to the championship. So in short, the barbarians team could benefit uni paintball in a number of ways, but having them in the league would be a God awful idea!
So basically, this is to get recognition for university paintball, and hopefully, some time in the future, get the recognition that the American universities get. Unfortunately getting a scratch team of kids from wherever would undermine this aim.

This is not to say that it is a bad idea getting these kids together and getting them to play some paintball, try entering them into KOTH if they are new or another Masters div.


Free Agent..
Jul 16, 2006
Ok mate, sounds a worthy cause to me ;) just thought as tournies are so expensive for kids and this is a very fair price.

Hope everything works out for you guys


Bunka Monky

New Member
Oct 2, 2002

Ok guys i pm'd and emailed steves new assistant about 10 days ago and recieved no reply.

Due to this we have now made a decision that the tournament will go ahead regargless of the inter-university league, and will be run as a one off event. Alot of organisation has gone into this on our part, however Portsmouth University do not wish to undo the organisation done by steve. We feel that too little information has been supplied and thus we have decided to run this event regardless. We understand that by running this event it may effect the organisation of the inter-uni league but any comments regarding this feel free to PM me.

We have decided that in this tournament, we will give first refusal to university teams, and, subject to numbers, offer the remaining places to any other rookie/college/school teams that wish to enter.

Any teams wishing to enter the event, everything in the initial post still stands about the tournament, cost will be £125 per team.

Cheques can be made payable to "The University of Portsmouth Students Union" and posted with a covering letter detailing to make the payment to the Paintball Club.
Please also include team name and contact number.

Ok guys its a cheap as hell tournament with great prizes, cheap camping and a wicked days ball!

Get involved, any questions Pm me!

Matty Parker

Funded by the government
Feb 19, 2006
Visit site
I have to have my say on this, as it is really starting to get out of hand, and whilst we are all trying to get stuff sorted, if this goes on, it will all blow up in a small mushroom cloud. First of all, a nice post from Steve and/or Andrew would be great, detailing everything that is going on, all the costs involved etc etc. Second, i do not wish to detract from what portsmouth have done, as i have organised tourne's myself and know exactly how hard they can be (thats not sarcastic, its REALLY hard and takes a LONG time) but having two different events on similar dates is going to leave some pretty angry site owners, and no doubt 1 side out in the cold with a bad rep cos no one turned up to their tourne. I would say that it would be best if the two sides got their heads together and WORKED together on this. I cant help that there is an undertone that the inter uni league is "Brums league," it isn't, its our league, and if we all work together on it, we will get something which can have some respect, and then BUSA will like us and uni's will like us etc etc, cos at the moment, to an outsider who knows a lot about the sport, i cant help but feel we all seem like sqaubling teenagers.
Lets get everything sorted and have a good year we can all be proud of.