Tipmans go full auto (though wont actually fire paint that quick) when they are low on air, are freezing up, or when the trigger sear gets worn out.orite thanks :d guess thats why they call it chopping lol...chops the ball up so what was wrong with the tippmann when it went crazy and was shooting when i wernt pressing the trigger
ha dude welcome 2 the world of paintball! ive being playing 4 over 19yrs now? if u want a marker u canit go wrong with a pmr there new on the block very fast and can keep up with the better end of the market ! they cost £250 new ive got one +other kit cheep 4 sale if u are interested go 2 my post andy!Hi i'm new to paintballing (well been about 3/4 times) but i really enjoyed it, however i dont know if i'm any good because i hardly got hit even though i was in the middle of the fights :S(might be because i'm skinny and can hide behind almost anything hehe)
but anyway i was wondering if there was anywhere that offers training or advice or something along those lines to help me get better.
i was thinking of getting:
* Icon Z Marker
* Halo LCD Frontman Hopper
* 20-oz CO2 Tank
* V-Force Shield Pro Goggles
as my first set up.
Any help would be great thanks
Also is there anywhere near cambridge where i can take my own paintballs and shoot off a few roundswithout paying £40 a time? thanks
yes its just typical 98 customs doing their thing....lol it kind of exploded in the barrel and just got spray come out instead of the ball and thats when it started going crazy with balls going about 5 feet lol