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HELP - buyer hasn't recieved item


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2008
Sm5 2lw
just to update you guys i have refunded the person - username 'Boothy'

i was only offered 6 x first class stamps. due to what has happened i will not be doing any transactions with this person again. i really dont know if he/ she(as he/ she keeps providing different names/addresses and paypal accounts) actually received the item or not but in my future sales i will not be posting via first class unless the buyer wants that method, which i will state and not take any responsibility once its posted.

recorded still doesn't cover the item which i was told is mainly for documents, etc. so if anyone wants an item insured i will be sending them via special delivery.
Live and learn... Codiak - one for the list maybe??

6 first class stamps??? Thats totally unfair... appeal it, even though royal mail dont cover glass damage I still managed to get the £36.00 just make it more hassle then its worth, take it higher and stick with it... Dont at it like the £36.00 look at it like a challenge, I love it :p


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
can you tell me the stuff you did to get the £36.

the documents ive got are the receipt when i posted the item and the paypal transaction which shows the price of the item.

they gave me a 'lost, damaged or delayed inland mail claims' form to fill in.


I think that is the only claim form you need to fill in,As everytime I have claimed it is the same form.
You might need to supply an actual receipt that you got when you bought the item as well.

Write another letter appealing the answer you got from the first reply they sent you.
As most people do not and if they realise you are not going to let it drop,They usually pay up(not always the full amount)but it is worth doing.

Mrs G.

P.s Now anything we send anybody that is worth over £36,goes next day.
And only get sent to the address they actually live at.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
dont have the receipt for the jt frames as i bought them off here on the forums. ill fill in the form and see what happens.

these should be included in the classified rules. if its less then £36 which method should i/people use?

P.s Now anything we send anybody that is worth over £36,goes next day.
And only get sent to the address they actually live at.


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2008
Sm5 2lw
Yeah use that form as that is the only claims form, follow it up with calls. All the calls get logged and after about 3 attempts ask to speak to a supervisor the supe will then look and see that you have tried 3 times phoning and numerous letters and will award you what they feel is adequate.

The Decanter I had was free but it was crystal and so I made them pay as it was sent securely (how the manufacturer made it arrive).

I dont think you need a receipt, as you were the sender... just the amount the guy paid is enough.


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2008
Sm5 2lw
Now about the rules

Maybe we can have a new thread (read-only) with all the postage costs from the royal mail and anyone selling on this forum must consult said thread and give the exact cost + Packaging - then buyers can see and take their own risk.

On a side note, do you think its too much to get sellers to weigh items??


May 31, 2005
Visit site
Maybe we can have a new thread (read-only) with all the postage costs from the royal mail and anyone selling on this forum must consult said thread and give the exact cost + Packaging - then buyers can see and take their own risk.

On a side note, do you think its too much to get sellers to weigh items??
I don't think that would work as easy as you think,lot of leg work involved.
There is little risk for buyers,most of the risk is taken on board by the seller and even this can be minimalised with certain procedures.
As a seller I always send my stuff recorded (as can be atested),for 72p piece of mind is cheap.
I believe standard postage is insure to £36 so anything over that may require enhanced cover,obviously a £300 marker requires adequate cover.
You believe buyers should take the risk?Why not minimalise the risks.
If I buy an item I expect to receive it,unless by prior agreement special delivery of sorts is agreed the onus falls on the seller to make sure I receive it by methods of his/her choosing,back to the 72p recorded issue= piece of mind.
All these disclaimers appearing under sales thread will soon cause an issue.." if you don't pay extra and you don't get it not my problem"...you think!!any claim starts with the seller/poster,that's tantamonut to blackmail.
The wording is very ambiguous in such that when they say extra for insurance some mean actaully recorded,which for the seller doesn't make a lot of sense,that is a sellers tool..:eek:
I always include fees and postage it makes it sooooooo easyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.....


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
I've had this happen to me with ebay

I don't trust anyone anymore that inc sellers and buyers. Now i send everything signed for delivery only and i always ask for people who send items to me recoreded too.

When claiming always say the item is worth more than it was as they will always try and screw you.


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
I would view it as the sellers responsibility to make sure the item is sent appropriately.

From my own point of view, unless i am sending someone a freebie, I send it recorded, that way I have piece of mind that no one can accuse me of not sending something, all for 72p extra. Doesn't matter if it is local or international, i pay the extra.

If you are really that desperate to save yourself 72p there is something amiss.