Live and learn... Codiak - one for the list maybe??just to update you guys i have refunded the person - username 'Boothy'
i was only offered 6 x first class stamps. due to what has happened i will not be doing any transactions with this person again. i really dont know if he/ she(as he/ she keeps providing different names/addresses and paypal accounts) actually received the item or not but in my future sales i will not be posting via first class unless the buyer wants that method, which i will state and not take any responsibility once its posted.
recorded still doesn't cover the item which i was told is mainly for documents, etc. so if anyone wants an item insured i will be sending them via special delivery.
6 first class stamps??? Thats totally unfair... appeal it, even though royal mail dont cover glass damage I still managed to get the £36.00 just make it more hassle then its worth, take it higher and stick with it... Dont at it like the £36.00 look at it like a challenge, I love it