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Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Breakwell, FYI, Frenshy IS Warped, he owns the company. He is the guy you think will expect an apology from myself ... Are you now maybe beginning to appreciate just how much trouble you are in?
If you don't, then you really do deserve what's coming to you ,,,


CPPS Chief Chimp
Mar 26, 2008
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, which in this case, is personified by Pete...........a reaction most of us could do without ;)

For some, there is no concept of retribution behind their guise of an avatar, which is just insane considering how tight nit our community is these days. I tried to help resolve this situation, and it wasn't easy. There was no urgency to right any wrongs done, and reading the post above you can probably see what a struggle this whole £120 deal has been. Josh messed up, fair and square, and thankfully came to realise that. Sometimes it's all too easy to just help a friend out and sell "just one last marker" but it nearly cost him his paintball as well.

When you consider the damage this has done (to many), and how easily it could have been avoided or even rectified, it's just laughable.



Active Member
Nov 3, 2008
Why does Robbo remind me of Brick Top in Snatch?

Do you know what "nemesis" means? "A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent." Personified in this case by an 'orrible ****: me.

But the way this has been handled makes me and im sure many others feel safer in trading markers. Thats for sure.

Also on a side note Mark_d, could you please clean your inbox?


Feb 14, 2010
Breakwell, FYI, Frenshy IS Warped, he owns the company. He is the guy you think will expect an apology from myself ... Are you now maybe beginning to appreciate just how much trouble you are in?
If you don't, then you really do deserve what's coming to you ,,,
I can vouch for Tom when he says that his laptop is broken, not too sure about his blackberry though.


Peter Pan of Paintball
Feb 25, 2005
I can vouch for Tom when he says that his laptop is broken, not too sure about his blackberry though.
who gives a **** mate, he can go to anywhere and get on a pc (net cafe, library, school/university or a mates house).

the guy is scum
ive skim read this in the past 10 minutes and its patently obvious he didnt send it either when he said he did, or indeed at all.

post up the tracking number if it even exists.

this is 100% the way forward p8ntballer, mods, et al.
I have experienced some issues recently with Royal mail being a few days late over the xmas period and afterwards, but a month is a joke. as has been stated, 14 days you can make a proper claim, its obvious again this hasnt been done.

Kill at will as far as im concerned with scammers.
And FWIW if you are a buyer follow the rules and pay the extra £7 or whatever for RM Special delivery, then there can be no issues (insured to £500 as standard).
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Now with added pew pew
Dec 7, 2006
Darkest depths o Zumerzet
I've always held the view that until my parcel is delivered and I've had confirmation it is my responsibility. Not royal mail or a delivery company. This guy needs to follow rule 5 before an almighty sh!t storm is unleashed!


I can vouch for Tom when he says that his laptop is broken, not too sure about his blackberry though.
You are a 1st class idiot :whocares: and are doing yourself no favours by trying so hard to get involved in this members problems.

Joe take some advise and keep out of this or you will become guilty by association or least make yourself look like a prize numpty


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I can vouch for Tom when he says that his laptop is broken, not too sure about his blackberry though.

By vouching for him, you have now associated yourself with him and when you were sticking your nose in this before, I asked who the fuhk you were and I also asked if you shared breakwell's views and behaviours ... it seems in vouching for him, you wish to be aligned with him otherwise why on earth would you take a positive stance behind him in this thread?

You know where this is going don't you bladerboy?
Hmmmm, you probably don't come to think of it being as you're a mate of breakwell ... the thing is boy .... seeing as you wish to support breakwell and his endeavours with your post, we could assume that by default, you therefore condone his actions and share his morality, or rather lack of one.... and if so, I'm not sure if others would feel comfortable with another scumbag hanging around events with all their property all over the place... if I were you boy, I'd make damned sure you declare just which side of the fence you are sitting on .... could be rather costly otherwise .....