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300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
His name is bladder-boy?
Now we get to call him 'boy', and there's nothing he can object to?
This is too good to be true!

hey Bladder-boy, how did you earn your name?
Do you piss your pants a lot, boy?

Now listen-up, boy, you need to answer Pete's questions truthfully. You hear me now, boy?

So sweet! It's almost like being a white-guy 60 years ago....

The Claw

Sep 4, 2010
His name is bladder-boy?
Now we get to call him 'boy', and there's nothing he can object to?
This is too good to be true!

hey Bladder-boy, how did you earn your name?
Do you piss your pants a lot, boy?

Now listen-up, boy, you need to answer Pete's questions truthfully. You hear me now, boy?

So sweet! It's almost like being a white-guy 60 years ago....
Joe is a just a 15 year old, new to ball, with a habit of jumping on any paintball thread in sight, probably isn't right to go hunting him. My advice Joe is to stay off this thread and let Tiny be dealt with.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2009
His laptop only broke in the past day or so but anyway Joe you haven't known him for aslong as some of us you don't know what his atchully like


Jul 19, 2009
yup i do, bottom left corner with the white hopper.

i can happily take a couple more pics for you if you wish.
A few more pics would be great, I should be seeing/speaking to the lad the gun is for by the weekend so I'll show him then and see what he wants to do

Why does Robbo remind me of Brick Top in Snatch?

Do you know what "nemesis" means? "A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent." Personified in this case by an 'orrible ****: me.

But the way this has been handled makes me and im sure many others feel safer in trading markers. Thats for sure.

Also on a side note Mark_d, could you please clean your inbox?
Space cleared :)


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
His laptop only broke in the past day or so but anyway Joe you haven't known him for aslong as some of us you don't know what his atchully like
As has already been said, it matters not. There are any amount of ways to get online these days, f*ck sake my local shopping centre has a free internet stand right outside the f*cking post office ironically enough.

Lets make one thing clear, when a sale takes place it is 100% the responsibility of the seller until the package is received. The seller is the one who chooses the method of shipping and takes out a contract with either the post office or a courier or a haulage firm. It's pretty clear this was never shipped in the first place, there's been no tracking number provided, there's been no claim submitted for the missing parcel with Royal Mail.

If this dipsh*t breakwell had bought something from Mark D and it hadn't turned up can you guess how it would be going now? He'd be screaming rape and blue murder and probably trying to screw for compensation for distress caused within 7 days of the sale.

it's not difficult to take someones money apparently, however it does appear to be too much hassle to get your arse to the post office within 24 hours or so and process a parcel. If you're happy to take someone's hard earned money then be prepared to follow it up with a reasonable shipping speed, reasonable care and attention otherwise you will be followed up, tracked down and as has been made clear, we will collectively gang f*ck you in terms of playing ball anywhere in the UK or Ireland.

Here endeth the lesson.

Oh yeah, breakwell, word from the wise - Give Robbo the money you owe him, borrow it from your parents or associates if you have to because the alternative will be a whole lot less fun.
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Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Joe is a just a 15 year old, new to ball, with a habit of jumping on any paintball thread in sight, probably isn't right to go hunting him. My advice Joe is to stay off this thread and let Tiny be dealt with.
Claw, don't worry mate, he was never gonna be in the firing line; he just needed to be made aware of how his post was gonna come across.
I think he probably realises now and will heed your advice accordingly and let's hope he's able to choose his friends a little more carefully in the future.

Still, you make a good post in the circumstances if only to save bladderboy from making any more rather silly posts.

bladderboy .... listen to the The Claw ... you already look like a bit of a dihk, let's not compound that ...


Feb 14, 2010
Well, I hoep you guys will forgive me in getting involved in problems that arn't my problem, and shouldn't be getting involved in. Although I can come across as arrogant at times, i think I just can't accept the fact that Tiny would do such a thing. Maybe that's just me, but I still felt like backing the guy up. Maybe i shouldn't of eh?


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Well, I hope you guys will forgive me in getting involved in problems that aren't my problem, and shouldn't be getting involved in. Although I can come across as arrogant at times, i think I just can't accept the fact that Tiny would do such a thing. Maybe that's just me, but I still felt like backing the guy up. Maybe i shouldn't of eh?
If breakwell's action had been a one-off then maybe your support for him might not have been misplaced but breakwell has a history of this ... he's not gonna advertise this fact in terms of telling you guys [friends] but he was banned from here for already scamming and this is why he used josh's account to sell the marker in the first place.

breakwell's history of scamming and bad attitude also spreads to other paintball forums and so there's no doubt regarding his character.
If he chooses not to pay the money back, his parents will then become involved either thru them having to pay the money or them being made aware of just what their little angel has been up to .. either way, things don't look too promising for breakwell but I have no sympathy for him whatsoever, he has been the sole architect of the way this has gone ..... he has had multiple opportunities to put things right but like all arrogant ingrates, he fails to see his own responsibility and doesn't possess the intelligence to work out what the best thing to do is ...much like jeff abbott ... they are both locked into an ugly loop of self-denial and unintelligent thought processes ... sad but true :rolleyes: