Robbo - I was supporting your reasoning on it, I realise you're the final word here and have much influence across the industry, I was just saying that even if you'd had the money returned to you, the marker had shown up in the state it did and you did nothing, not even contacted him, you'd still be fairly well covered if he decided to take action against you in a civil court.
I applaud the way you've handled this so far and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy that the comunity has come together over this and made him an untouchable (as in the below the lowest of the low in the Indian caste system rather than beyond reach).
Only made the court reference since I work with court cases every day.
CF, no problem mate, I knew you weren't trying to say anything too different from the majority view here, I was just letting people know we run a tight ship and don't take too kindly to scum like breakwell ...all is cool CF !!