Ta da !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... It's not over !!!!!!!!
breakwell is now plumbing entirely new depths in stupidity and self-delusion ....
Here is the first of two emails he has just sent me :-
so the marker arrived, which proves all along i was telling the truth, like Ive said again and again im not a fraudster, i want my money back or the marker back, and i want it quick, just like you told me, the police are involved now, so like you have been to me all along, i want my money back
And here's the second of his two wonderful outpourings
the police are involved for sure now, the fact that you knew the marker had arrived, and the fact that you took the money from the that wasnt yours, is a serious issue, also the fact that your posts show this evidence, you knew the marker came, and didnt tell me, but yet you still demanded money, and threatened me with comming round my house, the police are investigating this and to be honest, i wont let this rest now !
His tone and attitude are beyond belief and I think this guy could well be an interesting case for psychologists to study in the coming years ...It's amazing how this kid thinks we believe his lies about the police, he must really think we are as stupid as he when says things like, '
the police are involved for sure now' .....
............ ooooohhhh nooo, my knees are shaking please don't get them involved breakwell, please ....
I have subsequently asked him for the name of the case officer and the station he's from; I told breakwell, that as soon as he supplies me with the information then I will be calling the officer in question to explain what has happened here and to just give Mr Plod an idea of what breakwell and his family are like ... I'm sure he'll be very interested in them actually ... anyways guys, as soon as breakwell responds [or in this case, doesn't respond] I'll let you know in the .. continuing story of ........ ' breakwell used to play paintball' ......
I'm sure chapter 2 is unfolding now as we speak ... the one remaining neurone in breakwell's head is firing off and no doubt the outcome of that synaptic event will indicate his next move ... I can't wait