put it towards robbos bail should he still visit the little git?
Yo Rat ...how ya going, long time no speak mate, how's yer mum? [I think she fancies me by the way] luckily for me, on charges such as GBH and ABH, there is little need for monetary bail but I shall bear this in mind if somebody gets awarded damages
But ... the man has paid his dues ..... but hold on a minute here, has he really?
He's paid the monetary side of things, leastwise to me but, the amount of trouble he's caused for everybody and the whole slew of lies he's told ...... where's our compensation for that?
I need to ponder awhile to decide upon his fate .... I quite like the idea he's so arrogant as to believe everything just goes back to normal now he's paid the money over .... I'm afraid though, he's in for a nasty surprise.
In his delusional mind he will no doubt believe he is entitled to do what he likes now and would actively seek apologies from people, me included, because he no doubt feels wronged in some way ..... if he was able to just go back to how things were then he would have no incentive to consider his actions and just why people have acted the way we have ..... I don't like the idea thieves and scammers can walk amongst us with relative ease and on that basis alone, I am not gonna recommend to Jimmy Frensham [Warped], Rich Harris [CPPS] and Leachy [NPF] that he be allowed back in.
I can honestly say though, even if I did tell them it was ok to allow breakwell back in, I doubt they would listen to me anyway because every one of them has stated categorically, 'breakwell is not welcome on our site or to our events regardless of whether he pays the money back' ......
.. Maybe the Sundays where breakwell is sitting in doors colouring in the pictures of his crossword because he can't play paintball can be used for reflection on what he's done ... he needs to get real, to keep his fat ignorant gob from opening and to apologise to everybody concerned ..... I don't think that's gonna happen cos this guy is just too damned ignorant and so I think we will have seen the last of breakwell in our midst ..leastwise in all the important places like the CPPS, Warped and NPF ..
Good job Rat .. say 'hi' to mum and sis for me