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Euro, ICPL and ECPL ref.
Feb 27, 2002
North Yorkshire
I have been reading this post from the start and although I have always believed that the is no limit to the stupidity of some people, this guy is defiantly a prime candidate for natural deselection.

Selling on this forum isn't hard, just stick to the rules, communicate with the buyer and post the item by one of the methods mentioned in this thread.

Just a quick shout out,this guy is posting up under the name uka123? if so,would just like to point out that our squad post up usually using their names and a uka+number prefix,the uka bit stands for uk asylum(pb team) and in no way shape or form is this Breakwell character associated with us!if if he,s using some1 else,s profile then that person(if its the 1 i,m thinking of(pm mate!) then yes he is in the policeforce) and will prob do his utmost to help track down said missing marker.Again,breakwell has/is and never will be part of the Uka squad and if you hear different,its a lie which Lump(howdo mate) can checkout with the Gurk as its his squad!!!.....cheers Frenchie UKA007


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
God, this thread has been making my day every day for the past half week.

Such a shame that it's born from such a despicable situation, but none the less. I think we should hire Breakwell and do our own version of An Idiot Abroad - just send him off somewhere and see what kind of mess he causes for himself. Could be a real cashcow.

Or we could just try and get him on Jeremy Kyle. They'd probably pay up £120 to get him on screen for the viewing figures.
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Jim 1

London Hazard
Apr 9, 2010
I feel safe knowing the 'Police' of our country speak terrible English and refer to the public as 'Dude'.

This thread is stunning..

god, this thread has been making my day every day for the past half week.

Such a shame that it's born from such a despicable situation, but none the less. I think we should hire breakwell and do our own version of an idiot abroad - just send him off somewhere and see what kind of mess he causes for himself. Could be a real cashcow.

Or we could just try and get him on jeremy kyle. They'd probably pay up £120 to get him on screen for the viewing figures.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I have just received this PM from breakwell ...

i need mark duffys address, before i can send you the money

that's it, just that, no please, nothing, just what it says there ..... no sense of irony even :/
Really, can this get any worse?

My response was unsurprisingly short and to the point .... I think it's closely getting to the point where I can hand this over to police because it's obvious this ingrate never had Mark's address and never sent the marker otherwise he would have the address in question .... but giving it to the police is not the way I really wanna go because I was really looking forward to meeting breakwell and his 'father' ... either way, breakwell gets fuhk'd ...