What a load of tripe.. That statement gives the impression that £100 a box is good money..."For our paintball equipment we have commisioned a major international pharmaceuticals firm to manufacture precision paintballs especially for us.
We are the largest consumer of paintballs in the UK, and can pass on to you, in the form of low, low paintball equipment prices, the benifit of our enormous purchasing power! Our paintballs cost just £5 per 100 when you buy a Box (Our competitors can charge up to £15 per 100) "
(or £6 per 100 in smaller quantitys)
I read something recently about them getting in trouble for using these testimonials on their flyers.Mario said:Hmm i wonder if 'IPG' have got permission from all those celebrities on their testimonials page to endorse their product and effectively make money for them? Why are there no testimonials from the stars themselves?
People's issue with DF is not because they do recball/rental paintball. Its mainly their promotion side of things that is disliked. For example, University of Birmingham Guild of Students security have had to evict them for tresspassing and pressure selling. Its bad enough being hasseled by them on the high street, but getting it in your private members club takes the P!55.OddJob said:£5 for 100 balls is standard for a rec ball site to be fair to them. Yes they have a bit of a bad name for their marketing but no one else has a go at other companies for their television adverts and such.
How else do you expect them to stay in business? Each gun they are using costs £100-150 at least, plus air/c02 system, servicing, staff payment, NI contributions, insurance, cost of the large land area, equipping said area, tax, buying coveralls, washing coveralls etc and you need to charge £5 per 100 balls to make some of the money back. I know the site near me charges a tenner a head and for a day out for £30-£40 that's not bad.
I remember the enjoyment and excitment of going paintballing before I took it up and play tourney stuff. People enjoy the playing soldiers, getting in there and being a 'ninja' etc. I feel we are a little snobby and look down our nose. If people think it's too much, then they'll go out of business. Thankfully we don't have the overheads and so keep cheap paint.