I also believe in free speech ............ and so do the other mods .......but we do reserve the right to apply our criterion to what people write as to whether or not certain lines have been crossed.
All the other mods have that line drawn at the doors of considerations like decency, racism, and foul language (they do allow some latitude on this point) and other such virtuous points of order but if you piss me off, I'll ban yer ass quicker than a hummingbird wing flap
But I can see
(I could be wrong however) that your style seems to be less confrontational and more humorous, which is cool by me.
I just get pissed off by pig ignorance, unfair and ill-thought out attacks and any advocacy of cheating or bad behviour.
I think we'll get along fine .....<~~~~~~crosses fingers
Have fun !
...oh and one last point, don't ever counter coach my team !
Peace out !