ooh almost a political debate ...
how soon we forget ,while I always like an extreme reaction to our governments policies I feel a bullet in the back of the head is a bit harsh ,we didn't do it when it really mattered (anyone remember Thatcher) and I personally think the above people have done a lot of good for the country.
I got belted at two different schools (one primary) as was the policy at the time ,I also got expelled from one and spent all my time with one of those stupid report card things that had to be signed after every lesson, I had mates in loads of different schools that made teachers lives a misery and we also took credit for giving our maths teacher in first year a heart attack..I don't see what's different nowadays.
except that we had far better dress sense.
Some kids are sh!ts no matter what the punishment's going to be ,I blame the parents (sorry pater),in fact I did many times... when I got into real trouble I used to sob a bit and say I was really upset at my parents divorce ,the teacher would get very uneasy and I'd just get a talking to in general ..easy ..see ..kids will be kids ..hopefully they'll grow out of it ,I'm getting my son into PB as soon as poss so he hopefully goes a different route to me in my Youufff
I also think Tom's maybe taking the piss a tad ..eh grandad?