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Hands up...

Jamie B

Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2001
The jungle


I believe there are people who run with there hand infront of thier face because there is less chance of a ball breaking on there hand. As im sure there are people who do It because its easyier to wipe your hand than your face (aparently ;) )

It does sound like an admission of guilt and you clearly should have kept your mouth shut, which im sure you will be as there be no bottom to the pitt of pipers wrath! mwaahaaa....er anyway....

I keep my hands away from my face so firsly I can see where im going (i find it helps), and secondly where my opposition, (and thier paint ) is going.

cheating scum:rolleyes: what has the world come to?:p ;)


Mak D

Originally posted by Weakest Link
It all seems a bit cheeky. Its a shame that people will actually wipe themselves.

yeah it is a shame, but we have all done it and those who havn t will do it.

>>>Mak - that seems pretty unequivocal to me. And as Nick sez, we haven't all done it - if anyone ever did it on the Sharks they were off the team. No questions, no second chances. Gone.

>And yes people wipe.... everyone does it once in a while.... if it helps your team, then most players would do it. Mak D isnt any different from any baller.<

Nudge. Yes he is. If you wipe once in a while then fine, but 'everyone' doesn't, and saying things like that is just going to make sure your team gets a really, reall bad rep. As I said, I hope we don't play you...

People can say 'Everyone wipes' all they want if it makes them feel better and helps them sleep at night, but it's not the truth. Period.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
To be honest, the face over mask mad dash to the Fifty is a bit difficult, tried it once and tripped over a center Coke Can. But anyway I thought people only did it for an increased chance of bouncers only, which is as acceptable as the Dye Tops in my opinion (different bag of worms sorry chaps). It never crossed my mind to be betokened on my hand do a dive and come up clean, but I never was the quickest of cats.

Anyway there is a simple solution to the whole "s/he wiped thang"....................

Play with real bullets.;)
Dec 19, 2002
Awww no, wot have i got myself into!?

Duff I didn t mean that the Pro's cheat I said that the players on Pro teams will run in with their hands up! Now after watching all the videos on ForceofNature.com and Pigtv, 9/10 games will have sum1 runnin in with their hand up!

Guys this has really got out of hand, I didn t mean to offend any1 or p*ss anyone off (Nick), I was only giving my opinion on why people raise their hands. Startin to wish i hadn t now :(


Mate, it reads like you said you have wiped - "but we have all done it and those who havn t will do it."

If you were just talking about the hand thing, then fair enough.

Nudge has no excuses though.


Active Member
Jul 10, 2001
God's Country

In comes Sidney....

The Clan frown on cheating, whether it be against us or indeed someone in our team.

Mak I think has written something and maybe not fully understood what he is saying, he is young and niave and well, new to this.

As for the hands up, it does happen, not as Mak D has put it to cheat but to give you an advantage with bounces, however with masks as soft as they are today you can take a bounce off a face -plate.

Please don't think The Clan cheat from the wording in this thread, he has fkd up, simple as that, I will be speaking to him regarding this post.

I'm sure the people that know my team will appreciate "Big Sid" is not a happy bunny!!!

Now, stop giving the kid a hard time, his ass is going to be sore enough after removing my size 10....



Active Member
Jul 10, 2001
God's Country
Mak, as most of the guys in the Paintball World know, I am well known for my honesty.

And, I'm only being honest buddy, this is a bad bad move on a World renowned paintball website....DUH!!!!
