I just bought a clear Evo 2 at the Cup on Saturday, the last one they had in stock in fact. The Halo B's were sold out, so no one in my party could get their hands on one as of yet, but one shall be forthcoming within the next couple of weeks for comparison. So far my observations are as follows:
It uses the same motor as a Revo, or at least it's marked that way, so you can expect the same reliability and battery consumption. I like the soft paddles as they don't hang up on paint like my Revvy used to upon occasions, and they seem quite serviceable. Even with low batteries in it, it still feeds at a great rate (though I haven't clocked it yet, just watching it empty into a pod side by side a Revvy) and noticeably steadier than a Revo with Xboard. The lid opening takes some getting used to...I'll find out more on the field this Saturday. It can sit rather high, but that depends on the feed neck you have. Both of those aspects I'll have to look at when using a Warp Feed as well. Reliability? Well, it shows no flaws so far, but I'll find out for sure this weekend when I put a couple of cases through it.
It was apparently good enough for a sizeable chunk of players on the fields at World Cup, sharing approximately equal presence with the Halo as far I could tell. That, the fact that I had my previous hopper stolen a month earlier, Oddessy selling out of Halos rather quickly, and a rather nice price put an Evo 2 in my hands for a mere $70...and already everyone on my team is begging me to lend it to them.