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Gun cheats and Hand held chronos, is this the answer?


Team Rampage
Oct 9, 2001

yeah but how does the marshall know this,?? even if u put on an impressive act, u can never know if some1 is lying or telling the truth..


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Nick WDP have already done what you say. The new IR3 boards are tamper proof and you can see on the board if it has been messed with. We need to be able to check old boards and other gun designs though.

What we need is a radar gun style chrono so a judge can stand away and behind such that a player can't see him... and tell what velocity he is shooting at even under rapid fire...

Maybe I should patent that :D


Dan Chase

New Member
Jul 18, 2001
One option could be to have a dedicated gun scrutineer at any major tourny. It is common place in motor racing, so would not be to difficult to get a top gun man - Jack Wood as an example - to randomly check guns for cheating devices. Unfortunatly it is not easy to spot gun cheats easily - no one uses cocker bolts with two different port sizes anymore, I hope, so whoever checked them would need to seriously clued up.

Would it be possible to run a diagnostic program on a laptop to spot any dodgy programing on electros?

Just a thought,



doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
Originally posted by manike
What we need is a radar gun style chrono so a judge can stand away and behind such that a player can't see him... and tell what velocity he is shooting at even under rapid fire...
Such a device would need to be able to pick up teeny tiny paintballs travelling at nearly 200 mph - not an easy task.

Maybe we could have tiny ickle gps systems inside every paintball, which track the balls location, and calculate it's velocity. If the ball is doing over 300 fps it immediatley self destructs - we'd never need chronies or have to worry about the safety aspects again!

;) :D :D :D


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Why make it so hard Flash? The Police can do it with Radar guns so why can't we?

Your idea is an adaption of current radar chrono's I was thinking of a new device not an adaption.

'All' that needs to happen is you pick up a signal from a rapidly moving object and measure it's distance at two time intervals. By telling the time taken to travel that distance you can tell it's velocity.

The first point that it picks up a signal should be right next to the muzzle and then second point doesn't matter. If you are sampling quick enough on any objects in the immediate vicinity of the aimed location then there won't be a period of the ball being in flight before being measured. But then who cares if there is? The ball should only be slowing down so if you measure it at 2 feet from the end of the barrel and at 5 feet from the end and it's hot then it was damn well hot when it left the muzzle and the guy's caught anyway.

If the police can do it with radar guns I'm sure we can do it for a chrono... Just need a decent electronics bod to implement it :D

I believe current radar chrono's work by emmiting a 'bubble' and then measuring the difference of an object moving through it. It won't matter on what direction/angle the object is moving as long as it is in that 'bubble'. That's the whole point...



Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
LMAO Nice edit Flash ;)

But what you are saying isn't so impossible either.

I know of someone who holds a patent on the tracking and highlighting of paintballs in video footage.

I also work with 3d scanning systems and it should be possible to not only track the balls but also calculate their position in 3D space... The technology is almost there to do it in real time. If we have high enough resolution and quality filming systems you could then calculate their velocity... you could hi-light legal velocity balls in blue for one team and yellow for another but any that are Hot could be done in Red... and that player eliminated... so all you need to do is occasionally look at a player's line of fire with the camera to see how it is going...

**** gotta patent that quick... doh! I already released it into the public... :) It is completely feasible with todays technology...

We just need a paintball benfactor with millions to invest in the development of the system... I'll speak to Richmond next time I see him :D
