mixed teams or all girls
yes rangers do have a girl on there team which would be me donna aka kebab the team capt.
i have been playing with the boys from the start and i have to say i think mixed teams are better as u dont get the bitching like you do with a group of girls and any time you get 2 or more girls together you get it and you start to get people feeling that they shouldnt be there.
but it is different when you have lads with you because you dont feel the need to bitch and i think the boys would just take the mick if it happend any way i think it takes a very good group of friends to make an all girls team and not have problems but i wish any female who is coming into paintball all the luck in the world and there should be more of us and the boys are all really nice and most of them will give you any help and advise you need good luck from all the rangers
yes rangers do have a girl on there team which would be me donna aka kebab the team capt.
i have been playing with the boys from the start and i have to say i think mixed teams are better as u dont get the bitching like you do with a group of girls and any time you get 2 or more girls together you get it and you start to get people feeling that they shouldnt be there.
but it is different when you have lads with you because you dont feel the need to bitch and i think the boys would just take the mick if it happend any way i think it takes a very good group of friends to make an all girls team and not have problems but i wish any female who is coming into paintball all the luck in the world and there should be more of us and the boys are all really nice and most of them will give you any help and advise you need good luck from all the rangers