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Germany welcomes paintballers, maybe not

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Jason Wheeler
Feb 11, 2004
Visit site
I completely understand mate,

Thats why I didnt come on all guns blazing and start cursing and what not. Maybe I should of disgarded the kitbag better and I apoligise for that.

Thank you for your time.
-Jason Wheeler

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
Ehm... this thread is about Russel saying Brit paintballers have behaved badly at Centre Parcs - and this is another instance of that.


The first part of my original post to express my disappointment with ALL paintballers regardless of nationality at Centre Parcs.
There is no evidence to my knowledge to point to anyone for some of the crap that was done at CP.
The drive by shooting is alleged to have been done by a black vehicle with British number plates and that is the only one with links to anyone from the UK.
I think if we are all honest at this point we should collectively hang our heads in shame because whoever did any of the sh1te we will all suffer, but German paintballers may bare the brunt of any backlash.



Jul 1, 2002
London, UK
We were only told about these incidents by Russell on the ferry on the way back home, although we saw the houses and signs that had been shot up on route between Center Parcs and the Nurburgring. I don't believe Jason is the sort of person likely to be implicated in Nick's little story book but it's pretty disgraceful behaviour from someone, regardless of who or what nationality. I have a pretty good idea who the prime suspects for the drive-by would be, although the killing of the ducks is without a doubt the most disgusting of all the acts carried out over the weekend to tarnish paintball's name. Whether these different incidents were caused by one group or several, British or not, I think anyone found guilty of committing any of these acts should be punished to the fullest extent possible.

We (Militant Order) took particular care to leave our accomodation in a clean state as would be expected from any civilised guests, and more generally to respond to the hospitality offered by our German hosts with due respect. Of all the British teams in attendance I would find it incredibly surprising to see this kind of thoughtless behaviour from the great majority, and I expect I could speak for all of those teams in saying an example must be made of the culprits if/when identified beyond reasonable doubt.

Once again the idiot minority has ruined our chances of returning to a fabulous venue in future years, and their actions may even have repurcussions well beyond the Millennium Series events in Germany. The criminals should be brought to justice, but the damage has already been done.

To say we're not 'appy is an understatement :mad:

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Ok - I am going to go by Steves gut feeling here, as I have known him for many years and trust him - so I guess Jason Wheeler is not to blame.... and appologise if I have caused him embarrasment.

Jason: I hope you see how it was difficult to think anything else, with what we found in the discarded kitbags?

I would appreciate learning if anyone has seen someone dump garbage on the front lawn of cottage 281 during Sunday reporting it to me.

I have a new suspicion now - but cannot make it public :mad:

I would assume it may well be (a) person(s) holding a grudge against you or your team. I seem to remember that some former players were pissed at you. Could be enough reason for the more simple folks to pull a prank like that.
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