I think a outright ban is very harsh, what i would agree with is site liseance to a degree, even in this country people just set up a site at random wood and call it a paintball site, no insurance no nothing, these places are what make paintball a target.
It comes back to structure but i think if the sale of paintball markers was limited to over 18's or 21's etc then that would be fine. I am not saying stop these under the age limit people from playing just not buy them. If a person bellow this age wanted to play or own a marker and had genuine interest then their parents would have no problem purchasing the marker for them or watching / supervising.
The site i work on stipulates that any person under 16 the parent or guardian must be present while they play, i know for a fact many sites dont do this and allow 11 year old to play unaccompanied (and thats 1 of the biggest punter networks in the country). I think any government body turning up to a correctly run site couldnt possibly call for a ban if they came and had a go. Lets just hope if they come to do this they dont pick a bag egg that may spoil it for us all :-S
I dont think any genuine paintballer would have a problem with registering their marker and playing at SAFE reputable sites who were properly licensed. I am a big believer in safety comes first and if some kind of licence was introduced where a site must prove they are at certain level then i think it would take the target off paintball and improve the paintball scene overall throughout