your all asuming that these children in need of the laptops dont have.
1. familys who dont move of there sofa.
2. parents who wont use it and not allow them
3. wont break it or full it of viruses
4. wont sell it
5. wont fill it of porn and idiot videos.
to much of a risk to help very few people who if wanted could help themselves.
1. Not really sure what angle you are trying for with this but there will be an answer to it if you make a point.
2. Even if the parents use it at least the home has one, it helps the parent learn about computing as i said before quite a few didnt get the chance when they were growing up or plain and simply they were not part of school in them days. The child could most probably learn the parent a thing or 3.
3. Most modern comps come with AV and security software in it, lets be fair and look at the big picture, even huge million ££ companys and expensive computers has the potential to get a virus. As for breaking it, common sense says dont throw it down the stairs.
4. I would presume the parent would have to sign a form saying they will not sell it otherwise the are responsible to pay for it.
5. Porn i covered before and would be flogging a dead donkey trying to explain it without getting technical lol