News just in!!!! Robbo's just got off the phone and let me know, he'll be posting up shortly aswell.
In short.
The kid went into the police station, with his mum
, and spoke to the PC showing them very select posts from the forum. Not the whole thread, didnt give the PC the full link, just provided select posts. Now... obviously... as you guys all know, when done in such a way, things can be taken very out of context.
The officer basically got in touch on the premise that she believed there to be a credible "physical threat" made. When the full story was told to her, the truth came to light, and now as far as she is concerned, the whole matter is now done and dusted.
Anyway, looks like Jamie is not only a fraudster, but a class A keyboard warrior, happy to give it lots of mouth online, but soon as things get real, he goes crying to mommy
Just wait till his mates read this. Street cred 0.
Nice try Jamie, but the posts, and the thread stays.

In short.
The kid went into the police station, with his mum
The officer basically got in touch on the premise that she believed there to be a credible "physical threat" made. When the full story was told to her, the truth came to light, and now as far as she is concerned, the whole matter is now done and dusted.
Anyway, looks like Jamie is not only a fraudster, but a class A keyboard warrior, happy to give it lots of mouth online, but soon as things get real, he goes crying to mommy
Nice try Jamie, but the posts, and the thread stays.