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Fraudulent activity by a buyer/WARNING TO ALL MEMBERS


Jul 2, 2001
News just in!!!! Robbo's just got off the phone and let me know, he'll be posting up shortly aswell.

In short.

The kid went into the police station, with his mum :LOL: , and spoke to the PC showing them very select posts from the forum. Not the whole thread, didnt give the PC the full link, just provided select posts. Now... obviously... as you guys all know, when done in such a way, things can be taken very out of context.

The officer basically got in touch on the premise that she believed there to be a credible "physical threat" made. When the full story was told to her, the truth came to light, and now as far as she is concerned, the whole matter is now done and dusted.

Anyway, looks like Jamie is not only a fraudster, but a class A keyboard warrior, happy to give it lots of mouth online, but soon as things get real, he goes crying to mommy :ROFLMAO: Just wait till his mates read this. Street cred 0.

Nice try Jamie, but the posts, and the thread stays.



May 25, 2009
Belfast NI
News just in!!!! Robbo's just got off the phone and let me know, he'll be posting up shortly aswell.

In short.

The kid went into the police station, with his mum :LOL: , and spoke to the PC showing them very select posts from the forum. Not the whole thread, didnt give the PC the full link, just provided select posts. Now... obviously... as you guys all know, when done in such a way, things can be taken very out of context.

The officer basically got in touch on the premise that she believed there to be a credible "physical threat" made. When the full story was told to her, the truth came to light, and now as far as she is concerned, the whole matter is now done and dusted.

Anyway, looks like Jamie is not only a fraudster, but a class A keyboard warrior, happy to give it lots of mouth online, but soon as things get real, he goes crying to mommy :ROFLMAO: Just wait till his mates read this. Street cred 0.

Nice try Jamie, but the posts, and the thread stays.

View attachment 23469

LMAO have been sitting waiting for the next instalment all night absolute wee dick thought he could get away with ripping ppl off


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Why oh why do i get these idiots on here who get caught out when they're trying to scam some poor schmuck and then run to the police (with their mummy) and try to get me, or the site, to take down what they feel is an offending post. I was called about an hour ago by the policewoman who originally sent the first email demanding i take down these 'offending' posts. Her tone was somewhat different on this occasion (hardly surprising) and there were no such similar demands. I asked her for clarification of the laws i was breaking and all she could come up with was the 'threatening' nature of some of the posts directed toward this prick who kicked all this off in the first place. I then asked what had any of this to do with me as the site owner and I'm afraid all she could come up with was a repeated claim of what she thought were threatening posts. It was apparent she had nothing and was feeling somewhat compromised by this idiot with his mummy.
She mentioned she had read my email that detailed the insults that he had made against Dusty which gave her a different slant on things (no ****, did they :/) and she no longer wanted anything more to do with this idiot. And so, as long as nobody threatens to go round his house and tune him up, she has no problem. And this was exactly the way i predicted this would end up.
Basically, the guy got what he deserved and then some.
Well, i'm kinda drunk now and so no more from me on the subject.
Have fun guys and sleep tight .....


Head of The CPPS Mole Correction Facility.
Nov 11, 2008
We say he's got a stolen Etek... He says he hasn't... We have the serial number... Why doesn't she just ask to see the marker. Check it, instead of making stupid claims about a crime that hasn't been committed. As opposed to one that has.



Jan 20, 2009
It's easy to hide a marker and say it was your m8 s in a pic . In mummy's eyes he is a saint
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