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Fraudulent activity by a buyer/WARNING TO ALL MEMBERS


Head of The CPPS Mole Correction Facility.
Nov 11, 2008
Without wanting to add to the plethora of posts where we all guess what the law is in this case....

Maybe the Po-lice are suggesting that because its not a legal transaction between a customer and a business... ie a legal transaction but a transaction between 2 people, a private sale as it were, it is indeed a civil matter.

However.... if its a civil matter and not criminal, then why must all correspondence be removed?... what "laws" are you/me/everyone breaking by discussing a civil matter on an open forum.

Strange, very strange


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
Dare I say the police would be more likely to contact you by phone than email??

I've never heard of business like this being taken care of by email. Jamie is a compulsive liar and it wouldn't be beyond the realms of doubt that this is fabricated. In which case he will be in real trouble for impersonating a police officer.


Jul 2, 2001
So spoke about this with Robbo before he posted up, my first thoughts were the same, is this Jamie trying to pull a fast one in a very dangerous way?

Some quick investigation shows that PC 7216 Leanne Butler is a real, however the following then springs to mind.

Officers have read the thread and it is wholly inappropriate that the above males's details including his home address has been uploaded onto the site.
Whilst it may be considered inappropriate, as far as I am aware, the re-posting of information readily available in the public domain does not break any laws.

All these details need to be removed immediately and it is advisable that all conversations in relation to this issue are also removed
Again, as far as I am aware, the removal of any such information would require some form of order or warrant, to which, we have recieved none.

Officers are aware of the circumstances in relation to the items that were ordered and as it stands this is a civil debt and not a police matter.
Knowingly commiting acts to defraud other people is now a civil debt? Now according to http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/ This would be incorrect.

Failure to do so may result in police offences and further action to be taken.
Now, ive moved this underneith. As if this is not a police matter as previously stated, why are they then making what could be perceived as "threats" that if this information is not removed, "further action" could be taken, surely this would then also fall under a civil matter no? I think this has been crafted in a very specific way to try and strongarm or muscle the removal of said information via intimidation rather than any real cause.

I trust that this will be the end of the incident and that you will be advising all the members who have commented in this thread.
I guess everyone can consider themselves advised. Advised as to what however? That the police want to get involved to help you guys get ripped off by fraudsters and scammers?

The saga continues....
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Tam Rankin

#29 PlumLife - Edinburgh
Sep 4, 2012
Whats going to be funny is if the email from the police turns out to be bogus. Isn't that impersonating a police officer offence ? Which will land him in more ****. But like Dusty says i've never herd of the police sending out emails to contact people its always been headed letters or a face to face visit. But i could be wrong.


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
All I know is my instincts are screaming this is fake. I guess a simple call to the police woman will confirm or deny however leave it to Robbo and Bon please folks. The last thing we want is people complicating things however well intentioned.
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Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
Even the language used isn't consistent, there are no mentions of which law is being broken under which section of which act.

I'd have thought before demands were made by police they would be obliged to tell you.

"Wholly inappropriate" does not mean illegal.

"Officers are aware of the circumstances" so I assume both parties have been interviewed and both sides of the case have been fully examined and reviewed.

In a week.

From different ends of the country.

By the super efficient understaffed police force.


Certified Eclipse Tech
Feb 13, 2012
Robbo said:
West Midlands Police have been contacted by a Jamie Walker who has stated that on a forum of www.p8ntballer.com there are several threads from different members which are in relation to Jamie and some paintballing items that he ordered from the site. You have been identified as the administrator of the site. Officers have read the thread and it is wholly inappropriate that the above males's details
How do you know im male **** face
Well there is the proof now. :)