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Fraudulent activity by a buyer/WARNING TO ALL MEMBERS


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
Just using jamie walker I was also able to make the start of a sentence I could use for him... "Jam raw Leek..." You guys can finish that sentence up for me if you like.

The Closest paintball one was "Aim, Walk, Jeer", which I thought was a likely series of events for him, provided he knows how to aim...


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
Oh Jamie,

Just in case you thought we were letting this slide, we ain't.

Lump will be up your way again next week, failing that I'll be asking someone else to pop a business card through your door too. Eventually your mum will have to contact somone, the alternative is the police getting there first. Who do you want her speaking with? Me, or mr policeman??
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Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Hi all,
prepare to be shocked ..... nah, prepare to be entertained .. then shocked.
I just received an email from what looks to be [though I could be wrong] from the police - it tells me to take down all the posts related to jamie, apparently 'it's against the law' ....
And so, for your attention and comments, here is the emai from the police :-

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 11:39 PM
To: robbo@aceville.com
Subject: West Midlands Police

Peter Robinson,

West Midlands Police have been contacted by a Jamie Walker who has stated that on a forum of www.p8ntballer.com there are several threads from different members which are in relation to Jamie and some paintballing items that he ordered from the site. You have been identified as the administrator of the site. Officers have read the thread and it is wholly inappropriate that the above males's details including his home address has been uploaded onto the site. All these details need to be removed immediately and it is advisable that all conversations in relation to this issue are also removed. Failure to do so may result in police offences and further action to be taken.
Officers are aware of the circumstances in relation to the items that were ordered and as it stands this is a civil debt and not a police matter.
I trust that this will be the end of the incident and that you will be advising all the members who have commented in this thread.


PC 7216 Leanne BUTLER
Investigation Team 1b
Bloxwich Police StationExtention - 7889 6100

My response is:-

Hi Leanne,
I’m not being flip but as far as I know, we live in a country where people are allowed to voice their opinions, none moreso than on the internet in the form of forums.
The guy who has gotten in touch with you is a suspected fraudster; we get them many times on my site and we deal with them all the same way – we out them [to protect our members from being duped] and they are banned from my site.
Forums all over the world have these type people who defraud other members and then go on the missing list and it’s a constant problem we are having to deal with.
I do not want to ever leave myself open as owner of the site in terms of being neglectful by not banning suspected fraudsters and letting our members know what’s been going on – I will do EVERYTHING I can to protect my members.

As for his address being disclosed on my site – his address is already within the public domain, that’s how these posters obtained it and so I doubt that’s gonna stick; essentially, I don’t much like it when people post other people’s addresses unless it’s in a case like this [suspected fraudulent activity] but the fact it’s attainable already on the internet in other web locations kinda undermines any dictate from yourself regarding taking down his address.
In cases like these, we print the address for one reason only and that is to protect our members.
People like him, get found out and then they get another user name on my site and come back and continue to defraud people – however, if we then post up the address, that in itself protects people because for this guy to get product delivered, he has to tell prospective sellers his address so they can mail it to him ... this is why we print it, and as I’ve said, it’s already in the public domain – that’s how our guys got it.

I’ve been in touch with my solicitor this morning and you have no right to tell me to do anything without an appropriate court order and you are more than welcome to assist this guy in seeking some form of deletion order.
I’m not being an ass here but I do not like the idea he has used you guys to try and rescue him in this way ... it’s a disproportionate response, and totally unfair.
And just so’s you know, we go through a comprehensive process in trying to determine if the guy’s a fraudster or not, we have never thus far used the police to do our dirty work and we rely on the experience and common-sense of our moderators to protect our members from people like him, this was not an arbitrary or ill-thought out response from ourselves.

If you are now telling me it is against the law to post opinions like those made, then you are gonna be spending the rest of your life taking forum owners to court, it’s an insane proposition to demand I delete these posts, truly insane.
Now, if you can quote me the law I am compromising then please either call me on 07515 890385 or respond via email and then I’ll go back to my solicitor and see what he thinks.

Regards & best wishes

Peter Robinson
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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2012
"Officers are aware of the circumstances in relation to the items that were ordered and as it stands this is a civil debt and not a police matter."

How can this not be a police matter ?? What b@ll@cks...