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Fraudulent activity by a buyer/WARNING TO ALL MEMBERS


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2008
Also, did you inform TNT of recording the call? If not, then that 'evidence' is not immiscible in court.
Good point

I believe if you have recorded it and not told them u could also be in trouble for that.

Your wrap sheet is getting bigger by the minute


eating brick!
Sep 18, 2005
worcester UK
I must say Great job to the Mods, Seen a few folks like this come and go and each and every time the Mods handle it with skill, care and professionalism.
so well played!

reading this thread has taken off over an hour of my 4 hr treatment so thank you for that!

and now to make him stop digging
down down deeper and down (sings the song!)


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
What do you guys want? I have not received his package? What's the problem?

The problem is you're lying.

Which site did you buy the etek at?
Who from?
Why buy a second one?

I've been in touch with Streetly academy, I'm staying in touch with Pete (pocoyo, nice fella by the way) and he will not let this go. He did say if he got his money back it would be a start but you have things to consider.

Your future with a criminal record.
This investigation by the police could go on for two years or more, they're massively backlogged and you will have everything confiscated in that time.
Any job applications you submit will be subject to a disclosure check which will show up the investigation.
School ain't gonna be happy.
Parent's gonna be less happy.
Paintball sites will not want to know you, NPF is a massive outfit, do you really think they want suspected thieves walking around their decent paying customers? They won't miss your few quid once in a while.
TNT will press charges once the police are finished.
Your story is full of holes and contradictions already, even if you edit your posts we can still bring up the original, go ahead, try it. Edit your last post and I'll soon restore it.
As I said, the only person who CAN stop this now is pocoyo, it's out of my hands so stop having a go at me (not that i mind, sticks and stones and all that)
If it were me, and I got the money or the kit back I would give serious thought to dropping the charges but I don't speak for Pete. That's what I would do.
I have someone who lives less than 5 miles away, willing to go to your door and give your parents my contact details.

Seriously sit back, think about this situation and stop kidding yourself. You ain't fooling us. I can close this thread as quick as I can look at it and you won't have any more chances left pal.


New Member
May 20, 2013
Excuse me? Who do you think you are?
Calling my school?
Threatening my parents?
I would watch how much you interpret you self in to this case because you are going on a thin line of harassment in my eyes.
I have not received this package and t&t have just told me that while acknowledging the recording.


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
Excuse me? Who do you think you are?
Calling my school?
Threatening my parents?
I would watch how much you interpret you self in to this case because you are going on a thin line of harassment in my eyes.
I have not received this package and t&t have just told me that while acknowledging the recording.
I haven't threatened your parents. I've told you I will make contact with your parents to inform them of your behaviour. Forget about TNT, forget about Topsy, your conduct here has been appalling and I'm quite certain your parents will be appaled WHEN they find out.

As for contacting your school, I'm merely keeing them abreast of the situation. I'm sure they'll want to have a chat at some point too. Believe me, I'm not the one who's done anything wrong in this thread and you are quickly eroding what's left of my good nature by not banning your current account.

Don't take that tone with me or I'll be the one reporting your earlier harrassment to the police as well under the Malicious Communications Act. You're extremely lucky I haven't already and I'm sure you're aware that this kind of online ranting has been prominent in the media lately with many people being in court over twitter and facebook rants less severe than "I will spit my dummy into your dead nan's pussy". Classy.

As was once said, "I don't like the cut of your jib sir".


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2008
Excuse me? Who do you think you are?
Calling my school?
Threatening my parents?
I would watch how much you interpret you self in to this case because you are going on a thin line of harassment in my eyes.
I have not received this package and t&t have just told me that while acknowledging the recording.

He is an Adult

You're a Child :rolleyes:

Who needs to wind his neck in and accept your in the wrong