There's one here in Holland that gets me laughing every damn time.
They're basically selling a drill that has "Lithium Ionised technology". A lot of people go WOW, until I point out that it basicallu just means that it has a rechargeable battery... Then they just go oh...
At least it will last longer than "Nickel Metal Hydrated Technology".
I too have no tolerance for people that hang around in doorways, usually women with kids.
I am always telling my kids off for it. Sitting in the obvious walkways around the house. So when I was leaving Somerfield one day, there were two women and a couple of kids standing right outside the door, spread out in a line. As I have approached the (open coz they're so close) Automatic door, I said to my kids, loudly;
"See, this is why I tell you not to stand in doorways. Because when your older, you will do it in public like these retards!"
Naturally, one of them gave the old "Well. That's NICE isn't it!" remark.
"Yeah, maybe your kids will learn from it too!"
I just can't stand that sort of thing. Normally I am pretty patient and forgiving in public. Apart from on here.
Has anyone else seen the advert, for the Electricity company who's power is "Greener" than anyone else's?
WTF!!? I can understand a company that has a reduced carbon footprint etc, albeit that it makes fack all difference, but the power is the same power, specific to an area. It's just who you let rape you for it.
On a good point. Know what adverts I love? The drink driving and Road Safety ones.
You know, "Whats it gonna be?", "Like most victims, this woman knew her killer" and "If you hit me at 40Mph"
Love those. If anything, they should be more gorry.