I will try to answer questions as they come in.
Q) I think 10 games is better but I'd take 9 "proper" games ovre 12 "mini" games anyday.
A)I think the "mini" games come from the size of the fields more than anything, (the fields at the Indoor are about half the size of 1 5Man field we will use) The field sizes & exact field/s layout will be ready 3 months prior to the event so you guys can start planing positions and brakeouts etc. All you will have to do is print it of and take it to your next team training/meeting, but be warned the fields/barricades are like nothing you have ever seen!
Q)Woz, you'll have to give some real solid booking info to teams.
A)The website will be ready in 4 weeks it will inc
ictures, maps, prizes,entrys, hotels b&b etc, entrys, subscription forms and all the other stuff you might need! (this is why i am trying to get it right before i confirm all on website)
Q)I think 5 mins is getting a bit short really, although granted a lot will have already been finished in that time.
A)This is exactly why i had 9 8min games because I thought 5 or 6 mins was to short, but now I come to think of it Camp Masters play 5 min games and I enjoyed the event very much. Maybe 12 5min games would be best (if you could time those games for me Manike it would be greeeat)
Q)I reckon the best bet is to stick with 10x10min games
A)I know this sounds the best on paper, but realisticly most games will probably only last 5 min max, so it would just be time wasteing. You have to remember its 5 man, games are often much shorter than 7man.
Q)if the venue has floodlights?
A)Yes the venue has floodlights, we can run till 10pm.
Q)Woz mate looks like you have got it pretty much cracked bud.
Only thing i would say to make it better is to have more games bigchap 9 aint enough subject) subject) subject)
A)There will be at least 10 games maybe 12, not sure yet! but ill let you know soon what i have decided.
Keep it up guys,
Warren Maxwell
Pure Rush Paintball