Well as a lot of the other teams being in here, like to mention some things :
1 - From the start we(Team Severe) knew it wasnt gonna work, since there were no time schedules on the sheet...maybe the organisation should have looked at the way the Mill. series organises things....way to many team for 4 fields, with an aditional handicap of many foreign teams which had to catch flights out of there.Waiting for hours and hours in between games is rediculous, should have had a morning shift,afternoon shift and a evening shift.
2 - Score sheet **** up, i can be very short about it, don't rely on a system you havent used before in a major tournament. Always have a backup (e.g. paperscore sheets.), this cost us the semi-finales in AM A division.
3 - Achim blaming "3" people who **** all the teams over at the emergency captains meeting, how can he blame people that are working there for free, he should be taking the responsability for the **** ups that occured.
Great things about Euro III :
1 - All the teams being there, was great fun and met a lot of good ppl. and played against strong teams!(even beat some of them)
2- Field were excelent, nice fast games althoug the field didnt allow much room for trying different tactics.
3 - The venue it self was wonderfull.....
Well just my personal comments on EB III, we played well and i enjoyed the games and company.
But i think our team will not be coming back next year to Euroball.
Well as a lot of the other teams being in here, like to mention some things :
1 - From the start we(Team Severe) knew it wasnt gonna work, since there were no time schedules on the sheet...maybe the organisation should have looked at the way the Mill. series organises things....way to many team for 4 fields, with an aditional handicap of many foreign teams which had to catch flights out of there.Waiting for hours and hours in between games is rediculous, should have had a morning shift,afternoon shift and a evening shift.
2 - Score sheet **** up, i can be very short about it, don't rely on a system you havent used before in a major tournament. Always have a backup (e.g. paperscore sheets.), this cost us the semi-finales in AM A division.
3 - Achim blaming "3" people who **** all the teams over at the emergency captains meeting, how can he blame people that are working there for free, he should be taking the responsability for the **** ups that occured.
Great things about Euro III :
1 - All the teams being there, was great fun and met a lot of good ppl. and played against strong teams!(even beat some of them)
2- Field were excelent, nice fast games althoug the field didnt allow much room for trying different tactics.
3 - The venue it self was wonderfull.....
Well just my personal comments on EB III, we played well and i enjoyed the games and company.
But i think our team will not be coming back next year to Euroball.