...what the heck!?....
Was going on at the Euroball 3!?
1. Me or my team Syndicate Instinct is not involved in organisation of this event, we only played.
2. I tryed to collect some posts from the German forums to inform you a little bit what was going on/is going on there and all the rumors that are told.
a) Most of the Teams have been pissed of by:
-the organisation because of sittin around 9 hours not playing
-expensive catering
-small chrony station and small players area
-scoresheets for the semi finals, the orga has lost the scores of roundabout 100 games of the EB
-changing the "new rules" for the tournament the orga inveted for this event ( 20 times, don´t know how often they changed "their" rules)
-Only a few teams are really angry about the marshalls, but please notice that: The marshalls had been on field without getting drinks and stuff like that, 16 hours a day, two days long, only 30 minutes break (or 45 , don´t exactly know that), managing around 240 games the days. So please don´t blame them, blame the orga if you want to, as the orga told at the pricegiving.
b)Nearly all Teams are really really pissed of:
-paying between 600 and 800 € for their category and getting that bad organisation for their money
-not beeing told when they played
-getting some teams in the semis cause of "giving" up of some other teams in the semi qualified group
I don´t know really what was going on there, there is no official statement by the organisators until now, seems the website is currently down. Try contacting them for details if you want to.
Notice: Please please please guys, don´t think that all german events are a disaster like this! It´s definitly not a general thing! Most of the German events are hold very professional and good organisated.
From the German forums, MOST of the GERMAN teamcaptains told that they voted for cancelling this event cause of the scoresheetlosing in the TC meeting on sunday! So please don´t think that German teams had been giving an advantage in any case.
A personal thing:
Team Syndicate Instinct is feeling very very sorry for teams, that were kicked out the semis by that unexplainable scoresheet thing. We know you guys all put a lot of afford in getting in there. We know many of you are pissed of by the orga, the marshalls or whatever. But notice, we all had to fight with this. It´s not an excuse we know, but maybe it makes it a little easier for you to not blame any team if they got kicked into the semis (we were definitly not kicked in there, we´d been place second or third).
So, stop thinking about that event, it´s not worth!
Thank you for hanging around with us, playing hard an really really fair (nearly all games I saw), setting up something like a "playerscommunity", we´d been all sitting in the same boat, that made us very proud being there and made it a lot easier to deal with all the happenings. Thank you for making jokes about all that sh*t, was so much fun for us!
We hope to see you all again!
Cheers, Alex
P.S.: All my posts are only personal sights of things, only if I´m especially talking for my team. So if you wanna blame somebody, blame me, not my team. THX!
Was going on at the Euroball 3!?
1. Me or my team Syndicate Instinct is not involved in organisation of this event, we only played.
2. I tryed to collect some posts from the German forums to inform you a little bit what was going on/is going on there and all the rumors that are told.
a) Most of the Teams have been pissed of by:
-the organisation because of sittin around 9 hours not playing
-expensive catering
-small chrony station and small players area
-scoresheets for the semi finals, the orga has lost the scores of roundabout 100 games of the EB
-changing the "new rules" for the tournament the orga inveted for this event ( 20 times, don´t know how often they changed "their" rules)
-Only a few teams are really angry about the marshalls, but please notice that: The marshalls had been on field without getting drinks and stuff like that, 16 hours a day, two days long, only 30 minutes break (or 45 , don´t exactly know that), managing around 240 games the days. So please don´t blame them, blame the orga if you want to, as the orga told at the pricegiving.
b)Nearly all Teams are really really pissed of:
-paying between 600 and 800 € for their category and getting that bad organisation for their money
-not beeing told when they played
-getting some teams in the semis cause of "giving" up of some other teams in the semi qualified group
I don´t know really what was going on there, there is no official statement by the organisators until now, seems the website is currently down. Try contacting them for details if you want to.
Notice: Please please please guys, don´t think that all german events are a disaster like this! It´s definitly not a general thing! Most of the German events are hold very professional and good organisated.
From the German forums, MOST of the GERMAN teamcaptains told that they voted for cancelling this event cause of the scoresheetlosing in the TC meeting on sunday! So please don´t think that German teams had been giving an advantage in any case.
A personal thing:
Team Syndicate Instinct is feeling very very sorry for teams, that were kicked out the semis by that unexplainable scoresheet thing. We know you guys all put a lot of afford in getting in there. We know many of you are pissed of by the orga, the marshalls or whatever. But notice, we all had to fight with this. It´s not an excuse we know, but maybe it makes it a little easier for you to not blame any team if they got kicked into the semis (we were definitly not kicked in there, we´d been place second or third).
So, stop thinking about that event, it´s not worth!
Thank you for hanging around with us, playing hard an really really fair (nearly all games I saw), setting up something like a "playerscommunity", we´d been all sitting in the same boat, that made us very proud being there and made it a lot easier to deal with all the happenings. Thank you for making jokes about all that sh*t, was so much fun for us!
We hope to see you all again!
Cheers, Alex
P.S.: All my posts are only personal sights of things, only if I´m especially talking for my team. So if you wanna blame somebody, blame me, not my team. THX!