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End of the road for pros?

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Just read up in the news section about what is to come in this months pgi

The end of the road for some of the pro's with the money running out. Never being at the high a level the question i want to ask is:

Was the money ever there in the first place? or has all the talk made them turn round and go "wait a sec, we aint actualy got as much as we thought".

I know we're gonna get the sarcastic and witty comments as always but i would like some decent answers aswell. Is it all hype and the problems always been there but its only just now getting addressed? or is it really dark times for the "pros" of our sport

discuss please
The money was there and wasn't there. Makes sense? No? I'll explain.

For a number of pro teams (not all) there was enough money to ensure that the players could fly to events and play ball without worrying about having to pick up a bill later on. Their biggest problem was getting time off from work/family, hence so many of them had jobs within paintball.

Their sponsorship packages consisted mostly of paintball related companies. It was all industry sponsored so to say. You could almost say that paintball as an industry and as a aport was rather incestuous.

The reasons for this are many. One of them being that a lot of the succesful (when compared to nothing but other paintball companies) companies were built by people within the small world that is paintball. A lot of these guys were paintballers first and businessmen second. Although there are a number of clever businessmen amomgst them as well. Because of this, a large part of a company's ssponsorship budget went to what they considered the pinnacle of the sport: Tournament ball.

Recently there has been a shift. More of a landslide actually. Large companies are taking over and they are run by people that are 100% business.

These same business people seem to be none to impressed with what the others considered the pinnacle. They see a far larger group of people playing recreational paintball in the woods and all other formats. They see only a small, rather mouthy (putting it nicely) group of people playing tournament paintball. And understandably they are moving whatever sponsorship budget they decide to spend on paintball towards other, at first less obvious (although it makes sense) recipients.


P8ntball killed me....
Oct 28, 2004
in a house with a window
Visit site
capatilism.....you gotta love it.

surely though even though they are 100% buisness men you'd think someone one have the sense to say "wait a sec.....this is gonna kill my buisness". in the long run thyre doing damage to the sport and so it turn to themselves


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Well, apart from having predicted and explained what was going to happen, maybe a little insight into the life of one of UK's pro players may help, even if it is a hypothetical insight. I will add however, this is not all our pros, some are cool and work hard but I think we all know which ones will fit the bill :-

Interviewer: Hi, I'm from the media and I'd like to find out a little about your life as a professional paintball player in the UK.

UK Pro : Yo dude, go for it.....

Interviewer: Oh........sorry, I thought you were English?

UK Pro
: Yeh I am dude but this is how I speak now, ya know man, it's part of it bro....

Interviewer: Hmmmmm, I see, OK, well I'd like to begin by admitting, I didn't know paintball was so developed in the UK in having professional players. I certainly don't wanna appear invasive but what does the average UK professional player earn?

UK Pro : Er......er...we don't actually earn nefin' bro, we play hard ball coz dat's out life man, we live da life, no wot I meeen dog?

Interviewer: Yes, I think I'm beginning to know....man.....well, if you don't actually earn any money, why do you think you are called 'professional'?

UK Pro : Dunno really man, cud be becoz we're dat good and we like to give it da billy big 'un wiv all tha ams and them there novice saddos.

Interviewer: Ams and novices? do you mean the guys who play tourney paintball who aren't pro?

UK Pro: Yehhh bro, them looooooosers !!

Interviewer: Hold on a minute here, you just said you don't get paid to play either, and in anybody's book, that means you too are an amateur player.
What do you say to that?

UKPro: .............................. hmmmmm ...........................hmmmmm... what's ya next question dooode?

Interviewer: Ok, so you don’t earn any money and so you are not a pro, what support do you get then?

UK Pro: Ahhh man, we get our bullets and gats and some expenses paid for like in sponsorship deals we got.

Interviewer: I see, and how do these supporting companies see a return on their investment into your team?

UK Pro: Duuuuude, we pay them companies back sooo damn much it hurts us, yeh, they giv us all dat sh!t coz we advertise them when people see us at tourneys and in the magazines.
We're soo damn good dog, we deserve so much more.

Interviewer: …I’m sorry to say, I haven’t see you in any of the international magazines and when I came to a recent event where you guys were playing, nobody gave a damn about you, the only interest I could fathom was in whatever American players were playing and a Swedish team called Joy Division. And I doubt any of the magazines are going to cover you until you actually win something, which from an outsider’s point of view isn’t going to happen this side of the next galactic contraction.

UK Pro:
We ain’t in any of them magazines coz of that Robbo, he keeps us out otherwise we would be all over them, trust me bro, it’s him, he keeps us out.

Interviewer: I see, well, I have heard of him, …… but how do you explain the other big publications not mentioning you at all then???

UK Pro: Oh…yeh…good point, well, hmmmmm... they are not mentioning us becoz …. becoz…well…we ain’t won anyfin and we ain’t good enuff to play the yank leagues and..

Interviewer: I think I get the picture, thank you. OK, so, we have established you are basically an amateur player who likes to be called pro but in fact, isn't one. Anyway, let's move on; being one of the UK's finest paintball players, you must have won a lot of titles, can you tell us how many and which ones.

UK Pro: Oh yeah man, I got loads, 3 years ago I won the Skelmersdale 5 man and then there was......hmmm, can't seem to remember .... sorry dude, I'll have to get back to ya on dat one.

Interviewer: Well, I wish you hadn’t overwhelmed me with so many titles and I’ll try to get over the avalanche but I heard some years ago that UK ball was quite good in that we were the top guys in Europe, is this still the case?

UK Pro
: er....er.....well ya know how it goes bro.....sometimes up, sometimes down, I think we are like hovering just underneath the top spots.

Interviewer: Exactly how many places underneath the top spots?

UK Pro: I fink we are like 67th place in Europe now.

Interviewer: 67th eh?...I don't think there are 67 countries in Europe Mr Pro Player but I take it from that, we aren't doing that good and you didn't attend any geography classes.

UK Pro
: U dissin me man? I coodn't do them geog classes coz I'm a baller man, a baller thru and thru, we live the life ya know, it's in our blood. Yo, mofo, [attempts to high five the interviewer] doooooode, dog, gat, blah blah blah

Interviewer: I am not actually disrespecting you no, it seems you can achieve that quite well yourself but I sense a few Americanisms creeping subtly into your answers, why are you speaking like this when you come from Kingston, Surrey.

UK Pro: Oh Man, leeeeave it out, dis is how we speak if we wanna be a pro, everyone knows dat you mofo.

Interviewer: Did you just call me mofo?

UK Pro: yeh I did, wha choo gonna do bout dat then you dog mofo?

Interviewer cracks UK Pro on jaw!

UK Pro
: Begins to cry uncontrollably, boo hoo, boo hoo. Where’s my mummy, you ain’t sposed to do that……..why you hit me…ref...ref...ref..help me ! mummy? anybody? - it hurts.

Interviewer: Why did I hit you? You called me a mofo, that’s why and if you insult me again, I’m going to hurt you again, do you understand Bro????

UK Pro
: sniffles loudly…yes, sorry man, that insult bounced off the bunker man, I’m sorry, please don’t hit me again…..

Interviewer: I think it’s time we ended this interview, here wipe your face, you should be used to doing that, now run along little boy, do some growing up and come back in ten zillion years when you won something...idiot !


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
Man, you must have been standing close to hear me say all that....

And mofo, is a term of endearment. It's like calling women bitches/ho's. Least it is where I'm from. Compton, North Wales.


Super Robeenio
Dec 4, 2002
Staying warm on a sunday!
You just gave me an idea Magic, I now know who I am gonna do my next 'Face to Face' interview with in the next PGi .... it's gonna be someone pretty special :)
a mirror? ;)

there is so much that can be said about the pball industry as a business and sport (well we like to think it is a sport)

but putting it in a gaming point of view as i can explain easiest.

if your base is not making money and is under an overwhelming attack you take all your assetts.. pack up and leg it to a new safer and resource rich location while the grunts hold the attack off.

and alas you start afresh...

the only problem with that is that the businesses dont want to do that because its not practical and they stand to lose a lot of money if not go broke.. so they are re evaluating and focusing on other areas. which has a stronger base and is mor likely to bring them a better future.

like buddha said earlier the industry is VERY incestuous and there is only so much pie that each company can have a share of so a lot of effort has gone into trying to gain

1) an extra share of pie
2) fine more pie!

and you need to do 1 before you can do 2 because you need money to invest in various areas and other avenues to try and make the industry bigger! and then you have to try and hold on to that investment because you dont want other companies to get the extra share of pie you have just generated!

and alas its a very tough industry to survive in.

and a lot of companies cannot be bothered to do number 2 or see further than doing number 1 and as such go under

and guess what...

teams are the same!
and work in the same way!

and as such we have a vicous circle which like a big fat anaconda is squeezing the life outta balling slowly and painfully!

and its only when you are high up out of the clouds of bull that you see what a mess it is!

and thats another killer the copius amounts of bull about! you cant build a sport or business on it as sooner or later someone from outside who hasnt been fed with it suddenly goes.... WTF!

which is what has currently happened with the major take overs etc!

but alas this has gone a bit bible length so i'm gonna shut up!