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Dynasty pro clinic ( U.K )


F orum Battle Organiser
Nov 23, 2005
South Wales/Cali
No doubt this is al sitting in the back of eberyones minds that are going,,,since ppl are travelling quite away shal we prepare or arrnage some evening entertainment shall we say...

Mainly just drinking until we fall over, (with the exception of markie) im sure u guys can come up with some more original ideas than mind

As i will either be in the back of a transit van or a tent we could drink till we cant drink no more...

Just a thought

Nicky T

Platinum Member
May 9, 2002
Bury, Lancashire
Originally posted by sjt19
I think you may have mistaken the intent of my post. I was thinking about this today, and I have nothing but respect for Markie. XSV in the summer, now Dynasty. Top effort!

This kind of thing requires a huge gamble and big expense up front, and respect to Markie for going ahead with it.

Nice one Markie.

I dont think I will be there, as £199 is exactly £198 more than I have at the moment, the disadvantage of paintball is the constant lack of money:( :( :(

p.s Nicky, best of luck in HB. Say hi to Ron for me.:)
Fair play to you Sammy :)

I sure hope that Markie does make something out of this as i know he hopes to bring more top teams over in the future.
Word is that this clinic is almost sold out!!!!

Might not even be going to HB, but if i am i'll gladly say hi to Ron for you :D


Russell Smith

The Paintball Association

I think you should put one of the space's on ebay:) :)

Just want to say that Mark told me about this quite a while ago and I am very pleased about the take up in a once in a lifetime offer.

Well done to Mark and Co, and on behalf of most of UK paintball
Thank you for getting off you arse and doing something for everyone.

And for everyone who is thinking of going, I have seen the way players inprove after ten minutes with these boys and you are getting two days for less than two ton, you lucky swines:)

Thanks to the Northen Quarter.........


Twizz ECI

London Tigers 2
Jan 8, 2003
Well i'm sure this is the one to go to, infact i'm so sure even i have splashed out the Cash to go to this one!! It will be good to see where i'm going wrong, i just hope they don't tell me to do a superman dive!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't do that at my age