Originally posted by Nicky T
If you had any idea about what Markie C and the rest of his guys are doing with the NQ, you'd know he's not in this for the money. They actually dipped into their own pockets to make the XSV clinic happen, so i'm pretty sure that this isn't intended to make them a quick buck.
I think you may have mistaken the intent of my post. I was thinking about this today, and I have nothing but respect for Markie. XSV in the summer, now Dynasty. Top effort!
This kind of thing requires a huge gamble and big expense up front, and respect to Markie for going ahead with it.
Nice one Markie.
I dont think I will be there, as £199 is exactly £198 more than I have at the moment, the disadvantage of paintball is the constant lack of money
p.s Nicky, best of luck in HB. Say hi to Ron for me.