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DV8 Return!!


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Jun 25, 2002
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thanks Tricky..

we try our best, it's nice to get some appreciation as people are all too quick to slate marshals.

Marshalling is really hard and things can happen really quickly.. marshals will make mistakes, all I want of marshals is that they try there best and are not ar*eholes. I can forgive the odd mistake.

for those that haven't tried it give it a go and you will see how hard it is and how mistakes can happen,

but I was not at this event so can't comment on what happened,

cheers Dan,


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Apr 7, 2002
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Tricky said:
Quick 2 ps worth, at the last 7 man we had a shocking bit of marshalling go against us against guess who. And not just sour grapes, the player walked off with 3 hits on her and we were the only team they'd played using chronic.

The only thing I would say is that no-one with a team affiliation should marshall there own team, in that game we had 3 marshalls from our opposition team on the field, never gonna get fair calls on that basis.
Especially when the MK Storm lads on the next field were awesome, rule should be set down and marshalls arranged accordingly.
First off are ffs are still sour about losing to DV8 on the day secondly there aint no biase on who is marshalling DV8 pride themselves on their marshalling ability besides there was only 3 judges from DV8 on that field there were a couple from Furion and Andy (Becks Bloke) as field ultimate was right ontop of Sue when she shot 4 of you out the hits she recieved was the one she was elimnated for and the others were after she was eliminated and was walking off the field . I was the other guy coming up the other tape to shoot your last 3 in the ass . Also you werent the only team shooting chronic at us ;) .

We are sponsored by the Masters and as so will support them as much as we can and by that we mean judge aswell as play their events if you have any quarrels bring it up with Wendy and i am sure she will put you straight on wether or not there is any biase to our teams that play when we judge beside why should a team of judges have to leave a field just because they have a affiliation with anoyther team or Bob know Paul on another team grow up it aint gonna happen if that was the case there would be judges leaving fields left right and center cos they know someone from that team or from this team. If your so concerned about judging come and do it yourself.

I think you will find that our results recently speak for themselves that we dont need help from judges.

2005 uk masters 5 man overall champions
2005 series 2005 overall runners up
2006 Centurio Riga event 2nd place
2006 UK Masters 7man march event 3rd place Div 1
2006 March event Lincoln div 1 winners

Ok not breath taking by international standards. As your M5 result which is supposedly for new teams :rolleyes: how long have Jersey Warriors been on the go ;)

To name but a few and done without any biase you just best get your asses in tighter next time and work on your own game as we have worked on our game over the past few months ;)


Retired Gun Whore
Jun 10, 2005
Past Caring!

She was shot going into the barricade, before she hasd the chance to shoot anyone, she came out and got tagged again and then shot 3 of our players. When she walked off the field the FRESH hit was pointed out to her and she just wiped it off and said it was old, we were the only team using chronic you had played to that point.


Our captain was told by the field ultimate when he went to question the descision, before he even opened his mouth " You can come and complain if you like but it won't do any good" Not a great attitude for an ultimate, wonder who he played for:rolleyes:


5th place in M5, hmmm new teams you say, right lets look at the top 4
Prophecy (JT Allstars feeder team)
Outrage France (Former Div 1 Millenium team)
Fiz Team
Smart Parts (with 3 pros and 2 bloody good kids, Billy Webb and dave Stewarts lad I Believe)
Not to mention Ton Ton Kidz and the Hungary Bullets Feeder teams that we beat.

Fine defend your players against what at the end of the day was our perception of events, but you wanna start slagging the team then I'd think again because the Warriors have won far more prestigious events than the UK Masters mate.


Retired Gun Whore
Jun 10, 2005
Past Caring!
Originally Posted By Bagpuss

One thing that really stood out was the level of fair play from the Jersey Warriors last weekend. Guys, it was a pleasure to reff you! Every time they came on the pitch they acted like real sports men. Thanks for making our life a bit easier. Well done to SmartParts for winning all their prelims. Good gaming, well impressed with little Billy Webb!

As attested by Bagpuss, we play hard but we play fair, we expect the same in return, when we don't get that due to what we perceive as bad sportmanship then obviously we get annoyed.

My only point from all this was not to drag all this crap up, but to simply state you should not have a player marshalling his own team, it is common sense.


Retired Gun Whore
Jun 10, 2005
Past Caring!
WKD said:
right ontop of Sue when she shot 4 of you out the hits she recieved was the one she was elimnated for and the others were after she was eliminated and was walking off the field . I was the other guy coming up the other tape to shoot your last 3 in the ass .
We must have had 10 players then cos when it happened we were 4 on 4;)


New Member
Apr 7, 2002
East yorkshire
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Tough cos unless there is a load of marshals to appear out of no where then it aint gonna happen end off!!

Just goes to show in the M5 div of the milleniums theres team sandbagging left right and center.

Anyway all in the past its in the now that it really matters decison has been made live with it at the end of the day the result is going to stand !!!

Also the field ultimate DOES NOT play for DV8 if thats what you are implying.

I wouldnt be-little the UK Masters as not being a decent event to win you must think something of it cos you come over here to play it and the amount of other teams that play must think its worth winning


Platinum Member
I was field ultimate on field 2, I do not play for DV8, I certainly didnt say

quote "you can come and complain if you like, but it wont do any good."

After every game I ultimate I always call the two captains together to sign the score sheets and ask if there was any issues. What you are saying is basically a load of crap. I am non bias towards any team including 1-4-1ing my own team, good friends on other teams. It doesnt matter to me who you are, what team you play for, If your family or not, everyone is treated the same. To prove it I have 1-4-1 my twin brother, who is on the same team as me - Biased I think not.



Retired Gun Whore
Jun 10, 2005
Past Caring!
Marshalls, field 1 had at least 3 storm boys on it, could these not have been shared around with the 3 DV8 on field 2?

I wasn't belittling the masters, we all have the greatest respect for Wendy, We didn't think the first event was brilliant, there is a lot of room for improvement but knowing how the angels work those improvements ill be made, but then we had a negative perspective on it because we couldn't get any paint outta our DM6's in the cold.:mad:

We commited to play the full 7 man series to try and win it and gain entry to the pro tour as a commitment to UK events rather than european, now the pro tour is no more its hard to compare domestic with the likes of the event we just played in marseille. We will still play the seven man because we wan't to compete with the top teams, if the hardware works as it did in marseille then expect to see us strong at the next leg.