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DV8 Return!!


bring the pain
Oct 29, 2004
There were a few really good teams in div A this month, and beeing totaly honest ther was more than just us that could of came first and it still would of been a just win for any of the top 3 teams. we our selfs and the firm had a very dodgy call in one of our games, and i would like to thank markie c for the sporting way he went about our rematch, the guy is a top bloke. also while im thanking people id like to thank the northan heros for our best game if it was one team who deseverd to beat us that day it was them. As for us, DV8 it was the first time us new guys to dv8 had played with the team in the masters, with that in mind we are very excited with the out come and the possibiltys for the future with this team, see you guys next month i hope.

Jon C

Do you play with balls?
Feb 1, 2005
Whore house
Congrats guys bringing it back to the north east especially as we failed :D :D :D

Saw some of your games during the day and you were really starting to bring it together. I cant comment on the contraversy i heard stories but didn't see it. Something about field 5.

Cheers Howsey for bigging up our 5 man run through we wern't quite expecting it to work, we just wanted to bring the fun element back into paintball.


welcome to the party
Jul 8, 2001
to tarnish all the marshall's with the same brush is a very small minded way to look at things.
of course marshall's make mistakes , we all do , and its a thank less job.
my humble opinion is if you can do a better job then step up and get your self counted, wendy is always looking for marshall's.
i think the game in question with the firm and northern hero's, had there probs but when div a teams meet one team is always going off the field unhappy,
any way had s terling day marshalling and always do .
cheers angel


Active Member
Oct 29, 2004
Visit site
angel said:
i think the game in question with the firm and northern hero's, had there probs but when div a teams meet one team is always going off the field unhappy,

cheers angel
Not true, every team in each div will walk off the field unhappy after a loss. We lost against northern heroes but we dont go off the field unhappy with the refs, they beat us by playing tighter than us. Refs are not always getting blamed by one team, thats a rather stereotypcal statement too.

I reffed PA and yer you do get some slack, but you also get the players that thank you for being there. If you do the job right the players know it and thank you. It works both ways.

Andy Steele

P8ntball isn't a sport
Sep 2, 2005
the argument with the firm when they lost the first time was because a marshal made a 3 for 1 call and only pulled 1 player out, we played again and they beat us fair and square. of course were not gna be happy losing but we wouldnt start arguements because of it. not bein funny with any1 by sayin that just dont want any1 thinkin we kick off everytime we lose ;-)


welcome to the party
Jul 8, 2001
last two statements

totally agree , all divs would not be happy with losing the game , and there was some awesome sportmanship going on .
more then i have see in any tournament for a while.
just goes to prove that the masters is pushing forward.
it was just the comment.("Never had a problem in the first 2 events yet do in the 3rd i'll let everyone work that out for them selves" )
is this the result of sour grapes or some accusation of game fixing???
don't know.:confused: :( :confused:

Markie C

Carlos Spicy Weiner
Aug 1, 2004
Northern Quarter
was a good day a part from some dodgy calls ( and not the one from the dv8 game would like to thank wendy and dv8 for the way they went about handerling this )

But the feild lay outs need to be looked at, not one side was the same as the other.

And yes if you want me to i will design all of the next events fields if you want me to i do it every sunday and would happly do it.

Wendy if you want me to do them just give me a shout.