i think saying it is a 'great program' is kinda OTT
Yeah its ok, in a 'on in the background and not really paying attention' kind of way.
Seems like just a rather dull rip off of shows like 'Endurance' (japanese one) that came years before it. Sadistic televison is getting rather passe' these days, especially when they are trying to shoe horn the whole jackass concept into a gameshow.
Then again, i bet that was how it was pitched by the makers to channel 4.
progam maker "'Hey guys, we have a great idea for a game show"
C4 exec "Hmm... we can never have enough of them, go on"
"put simply... Jackass the gameshow"
"Hmm, i like it, people like jackass, people like game shows, and people like watching the general public making idiots of themself on tv, like big brother. But, who is going to host it?"
"Errrrrrr............ any sarcastic guy we can fine. As long as he has the 'i dont give a ****' attitude that kids love these days then we're sorted"
"Like Dom Jolly?"
"Yeah... thats it, we'll get him...if not find i think we can find something simular"
Oh the magic of television